Browsing by Author Hajžman, Michal

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Showing results 15 to 34 of 37 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Impact Dynamics in Four-Segment Tilting Pad Journal Bearings Subjected to Pad FlutteringRendl, Jan; Smolík, Luboš; Dyk, Štěpán; Hajžman, Michal
2012Influence of crucial parameters of the system of an inverted pendulum driven by fibres on its dynamic behaviourPolach, Pavel; Hajžman, Michal; Šika, Zbyněk
2018Influence of internal friction dampers on global dynamics of discrete cyclic structureByrtus, Miroslav; Hajžman, Michal; Pešek, Luděk; Půst, Ladislav
2014Influence of the mass of the weight on the dynamic response of the asymmetric laboratory fibre-driven mechanical systemPolach, Pavel; Hajžman, Michal; Šika, Zbyněk; Červená, Olga; Svatoš, Petr
2013Linearization of friction effects in vibration of two rotating bladesByrtus, Miroslav; Hajžman, Michal; Zeman, Vladimír
2020Modelling of dynamic behaviour of fibres and cablesPolach, Pavel; Hajžman, Michal; Bulín, Radek
2017Modelování torzních kmitů vačkového hřídele s hydraulickým fázovým přestavovačemSmolík, Luboš; Byrtus, Miroslav; Hajžman, Michal
2019Multi-body simulation of dog clutch engagementJasný, Michal; Hajžman, Michal; Achtenová, Gabriela
2017Multibody modelling of friction based interaction between turbine bladesVerlinden, Olivier; Hajžman, Michal; Huynh, Hoai Nam; Byrtus, Miroslav
2008Multibody simulations of trolleybus vertical dynamics and influences of spring-damper structural elementsPolach, Pavel; Hajžman, Michal
2023New actuation planning method for the analysis and design of active tensegrity structuresHrabačka, Martin; Bulín, Radek; Hajžman, Michal
2021Non-synchronous vibration and lock-in regimes in coupled structures using reduced modelsByrtus, Miroslav; Dyk, Štěpán; Hajžman, Michal
2021Nonlinear dynamics of flexible slender structures moving in a limited space with application in nuclear reactorsBulín, Radek; Dyk, Štěpán; Hajžman, Michal
2020On the Numerical Treatment of Nonlinear Flexible Multibody Systems with the Use of Quasi-Newton MethodsBulín, Radek; Hajžman, Michal
2012Optimalizace hmotnosti odstupňovaného nosníku metodou částicových hejnBulín, Radek; Hajžman, Michal
2014Počítačový model sekvenční převodovky závodního automobiluBulín, Radek; Dyk, Štěpán; Hajžman, Michal; Byrtus, Miroslav
2013Regulační orgán jaderného reaktoru jako vázaný mechanický systémBulín, Radek; Hajžman, Michal
2018Selected problems solved in Pilsen using multibody dynamicsPolach, Pavel; Hajžman, Michal; Bulín, Radek
2018Sensitivity analysis of the crack evaluation for steam turbine casings loaded by pressure and temperaturesŠpička, Jan; Hajžman, Michal; Bielak, Ondrej; Masák, Jan
2019Threshold stability curves for a nonlinear rotor-bearing systemSmolík, Luboš; Rendl, Jan; Dyk, Štěpán; Polach, Pavel; Hajžman, Michal