Browsing by Author Peroutka, Zdeněk

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Showing results 59 to 68 of 68 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Simulation and control of FLC converters for UPS systemsBrychcín, Jiří; Košan, Tomáš; Janík, Dušan; Peroutka, Zdeněk
2021Size reduction and performance improvement of a microstrip Wilkinson power divider using a hybrid design techniqueJamshidi, Mohammad; Roshani, Saeed; Talla, Jakub; Roshani, Sobhan; Peroutka, Zdeněk
2016Steady state torque optimal operating point control for wound rotor synchronous motorsUzel, David; Peroutka, Zdeněk
2015The SVPWM modulation technique with active voltage balancing control for 3-level ANPC inverterJaník, Dušan; Košan, Tomáš; Janouš, Štěpán; Sadský, Jaroslav; Peroutka, Zdeněk
2023Time-Optimal Current Control of Synchronous Motor DrivesŠmídl, Václav; Glac, Antonín; Peroutka, Zdeněk
2020Torque ripple minimization in PMSM drive with non-sinusoidal back EMF using model predictive controlSuchý, Ondřej; Janouš, Štěpán; Talla, Jakub; Peroutka, Zdeněk
2022Torque Ripple Reduction of IPMSM Drive with Non-sinusoidal Back-EMF by Predictive ControlSuchý, Ondřej; Janouš, Štěpán; Talla, Jakub; Peroutka, Zdeněk
2021Universal balancing method of flying capacitor convertersBrychcín, Jiří; Košan, Tomáš; Peroutka, Zdeněk
2021Universal balancing method of flying capacitor convertersBrychcín, Jiří; Košan, Tomáš; Peroutka, Zdeněk
2015A universal configurable sinusoidal modulator for H-bridge based converters implemented in FPGAKošan, Tomáš; Jára, Martin; Blahník, Vojtěch; Peroutka, Zdeněk