Název: Modelling and modal properties of nuclear fuel assembly
Autoři: Zeman, Vladimír
Hlaváč, Zdeněk
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: Applied and Computational Mechanics. 2011, vol. 5, no. 2, p. 256-266.
Datum vydání: 2011
Nakladatel: University of West Bohemia
Typ dokumentu: článek
URI: http://www.kme.zcu.cz/acm/index.php/acm/article/view/159/132
ISSN: 1802-680X (Print)
2336-1182 (Online)
Klíčová slova: palivový článek;modelování vibrací;modální hodnoty;metoda dekompozice
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: fuel assembly;modelling of vibrations;modal values;decomposition method
Abstrakt: The paper deals with the modelling and modal analysis of the hexagonal type nuclear fuel assembly. This very complicated mechanical system is created from the many beam type components shaped into spacer grids. The cyclic and central symmetry of the fuel rod package and load-bearing skeleton is advantageous for the fuel assembly decomposition into six identical revolved fuel rod segments, centre tube and skeleton linked by several spacer grids in horizontal planes. The derived mathematical model is used for the modal analysis of the Russian TVSA-T fuel assembly and validated in terms of experimentally determined natural frequencies, modes and static deformations caused by lateral force and torsional couple of forces. The presented model is the first necessary step for modelling of the nuclear fuel assembly vibration caused by different sources of excitation during the nuclear reactor VVER type operation.
Práva: © 2011 University of West Bohemia. All rights reserved.
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Volume 5, number 2 (2011)
Články / Articles (KME)
Volume 5, number 2 (2011)

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