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DC poleHodnotaJazyk
dc.contributor.authorLávička, David
dc.identifier.citationApplied and Computational Mechanics. 2010, vol. 4, no. 1, p. 57-66.en
dc.identifier.issn1802-680X (Print)
dc.identifier.issn2336-1182 (Online)
dc.description.abstractThis paper describes the topic of measurement using a modern laser method (PIV) in an annular channel of very small dimensions. The annular channel simulates the flow area around a model of a fuel rod in the VVER nuclear reactor. The annular channel holds spacers which create obstacles to fluid flow. The spacers serve a number of important purposes. In the real nuclear reactor, the spacer holds a fuel rod in the fuel rod bundle. Another important function of the spacer is to influence the flow field characteristics, especially turbulence size, by the shape of the spacer. The value of the turbulence regulates the intensity of heat transfer between the fuel rod and the fluid. Therefore, it is very important to provide a correct description and analysis of the flow field behind the obstacle the spacer generates. The paper further looks into the solution of the same task using numerical simulation. The solution of this task consisted of setting the suitable boundary conditions and of setting the turbulence model for the numerical simulation. The result is a comparison of the flow field characteristics from the experimental measurement and the findings of the numerical simulation. The numerical simulation was carried out using commercial CFD software package, FLUENT.en
dc.format10 s.cs
dc.publisherUniversity of West Bohemiaen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesApplied and Computational Mechanicsen
dc.rights© 2010 University of West Bohemia. All rights reserved.en
dc.subjectlaserová anemometriecs
dc.subjectintegrální laserová anemometriecs
dc.subjectnumerická simulacecs
dc.subjectvertikální anulární trubicecs
dc.titleA comparison of flow field characteristics from PIV experiment measurement to numerical simulation behind a spacer in a vertical pipeen
dc.subject.translatedlaser anemometryen
dc.subject.translatedparticle image velocimetryen
dc.subject.translatednumerical simulationen
dc.subject.translatedvertical annular tubeen
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Volume 4, number 1 (2010)
Články / Articles (MIS)
Volume 4, number 1 (2010)

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