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DC poleHodnotaJazyk
dc.contributor.authorSamson, Štefan
dc.identifier.citationE+M. Ekonomie a Management = Economics and Management. 2008, č. 3, s. 39-50.cs
dc.identifier.issn1212-3609 (Print)
dc.identifier.issn2336-5604 (Online)
dc.format12 s.cs
dc.publisherTechnická univerzita v Libercics
dc.relation.ispartofseriesE+M. Ekonomie a Management = Economics and Managementcs
dc.rights© Technická univerzita v Libercics
dc.rightsCC BY-NC 4.0cs
dc.subjectzahraniční obchodcs
dc.subjectobrat zahraničního obchoducs
dc.subjectrovnováha zahraničního obchoducs
dc.titleTeritoriálna štruktúra zahraničného obchodu v SRsk
dc.title.alternativeTerritorial structure of the foreigin trade in the Slovak republicen
dc.description.abstract-translatedIn the paper we concentrate on the analysis and the assessment of the foreign trade develop- ment in the Slovak republic in the period 2002-2006 with emphasization the territorial structure of the foreign trade. Using latest official annual date available up-to-date we have revealed the sharp increase (+77.9%) in the total import during the period 2002-2006. At the same time the volume of the total export has grown at 90.0% while the total foreign trade turnover has grown at 83.0%. Territorial structure of the Slovak republic foreign trade didn‘t experience any dramatic change. Certain changes reflect an interesting increase in the foreign trade activities with the Asian coun- tries. Especially with Asian countries the Slovak republic has experience the negative development of the bilateral foreign trade balance. This negative trend was partially compensated by the positive development in the foreign trade balance with the EU countries. Among the biggest exporters of the products to the Slovak republic we include Germany, the Czech republic and the Russian federation. At the same time during the last years the import from the Asian countries has grown significantly. Among the biggest importers of the goods from the Slovak Republic we include Germany and the Czech Republic. With these countries the Slovak republic has the biggest foreign trade turn- overs. The Slovak republic has the positive foreign trade balance especially with the EU countries and the negative foreign trade balance especially with the Russian federation and the Asian countries - South Korea, Chine and Japan.en
dc.subject.translatedforeign tradeen
dc.subject.translatedforeign trade turnoveren
dc.subject.translatedbalance of foreign tradeen
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Číslo 3 (2008)
Číslo 3 (2008)

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