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Bánociová, Anna
Analýza vývoja dane z pridanej hodnoty v Slovenskej republike The transformation of the Slovak economy to the market oriented one required to perform funda- mental changes in the entire tax system. Tax reforms executed in 1993, 1995 and 2004 triggered extensive changes of the Slovak tax system. Qualitative changes of value added&... |
Pacáková, Viera
Linda, Bohdan
Simulations of extreme losses in non-life insurance The analyses of insurance risks are an important part of the project of Solvency II preparing of European Commission. The risk theory is the analysis of the stochastic features of non-life insu- rance business. The field of insurance risk theory has grown rapidly. ... |
Kuvíková, Helena
Diverzifikácia finančných zdrojov v neziskových organizáciách One of conditions for a successful working of every organization is finance provision. The finan- cial question of existence of non-profit organizations is connected with particularities which are derived from their service and non-commercial status in the society. Nowadays the ... |
Odehnalová, Pavla
Olševičová, Kamila
Agent-based simulation of development stages of family businesses This article builds on results of the empirical research “The competitiveness of companies” done by Masaryk University in 2007. Within the group of 432 observed companies there were found interesting characteristics of family businesses (91 companies). The family business was... |
Semrádová, Ilona
Ethical aspects of corporate culture The article is focused on the need of development of company culture from the axiological and ethical viewpoint. Theoretical solutions of ethics with regards to limitations of requirements for company code of conduct are studied here. The generally accepted approach of... |
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- Ekonomie a management
- 44 2009