Číslo 1 (2012) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Šimonová, Stanislava
Identification of data content based on measurement of quality of performance Managing of business processes is done based on decision making and performance of workers in management positions who utilize business information systems as a necessary support tool. Business processes and business data form a coherent unit as business processes need relevant data for... |
Vejačka, Martin
Facebook advertising and its efficiency on the slovak market The main aim of this paper is to propose a measure of Facebook advertising efficiency. In general marketing role of Facebook is considered with special attention to the advertising. Advertising on Facebook is briefly introduced with possibilities of advertising targeting and its&... |
Pisnik Korda, Aleksandra
Snoj, Boris
Žabkar, Vesna
Antecedents and outcomes of perceived service value: evidence from Slovenia Perceived value is considered one of the most influential measures of customer satisfaction and is of growing interest to scholars and marketing managers. This paper aims to test a model of perceived value antecedents and consequences in the retail banking industry in ... |
Prášilová, Pavlína
Determinanty kapitálové struktury českých podniků Determinants of capital structure of companies have been studied since Miller’s and Modigliani’s work was published in 1958. There was researched impact of various determinants as taxes, asymmetric information,... |
Grell, Michal
Hyránek, Eduard
Maticové modely na meranie výkonnosti produkčných systémov In the contribution we deal with firm efficiency′s measurement by the matrix system of indicators and various combination of these indicators is applying in this system. In the calculations we apply the indicators in term of added value and formulate relations of these ... |
Kubina, Milan
Lendel, Viliam
Hexagonal stellar model of CRM: key elements influencing the CRM building In present, most companies are conscious of evident contribution of CRM and almost every company is using CRM technologies that support their business or evaluating specific contributions of CRM for company and planning its realization in future. Implementation of CRM system does... |
Mizla, Martin
Pudło, Patrycja
Štruktúra nákladov kvality a citlivosť podnikov na výkyvy ekonomiky Authors deals with influence and relations of quality costs with company economy. The article presents a new division of quality costs as fixed and variable quality costs. The new division is helpful to show influence of qualit... |
Brauers, Willem K. M.
Kazimieras Zavadskas, Edmundas
A Multi-Objective Decision Support System for Project Selection with an Application for the Tunisian Textile Industry A developing country like Tunisia needs development planning but it will have problems with a top down strategy. As an answer to this problem the paper proposes a Multi-Objective Decision Support System for Project Selection. Project Selection is subject to an evoluti... |
Felixová, Kateřina
Zhodnocení intenzity absorpce podpory podnikání v regionech se soustředěnou podporou státu The paper focuses on the use of financial sources from structural funds of European Union and with the focus on the operation programme of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the context of the regional development support in the troubled regions. The intensity of the ab... |
Friedrich, Václav
Maková, Kateřina
Široký, Jan
Testing the predicative ability of the tax progressiveness indices: using the example of an employee in Czech republic 1993-2008 The personal income tax is not harmonised in the European Union that’s why there are different systems of the personal income tax which reflects in different nominal tax rates, different allowances, deductions and tax credits. The comparisons based on nominal tax rates predi... |
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- Ekonomie a management
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