Číslo 4 (2015) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Šiška, Ladislav
Odraz způsobu užití systému měření výkonnosti v podnikových finančních ukazatelích Simons (1995) seminal work identified two different purposes how the performance measurement systems (PMS) of the company can be used by managers. Diagnostic PMS use means monitoring organizational out... |
Hinke, Jana
Hruška, Zdeněk
Nové trendy finančního účetnictví podnikatelů v kontextu právních předpisů České republiky The issue of financial accounting, there is gradual harmonization across states, which stems primarily from international operations of entrepreneurs and European integration. In 2015, it was implemented through a... |
Vacek, Jiří
Ircingová, Jarmila
Ťavodová, Miroslava
Vztah teorie a praxe v současném vysokém školství The paper summarizes the discussion at the panel session „Relation between theory and practice in contemporary higher education” at the Business Trends conference organized by the Faculty of Economics of the University of West Bohe... |
Varga, Erika
Budavári -Takács, Ildikó
Boda-Kinga, Helga
Bárdos, Ilona
Personal competencies from the perspective of human resource management and the business programmes of higher education Our paper is centred on the research problem whether competencies are really essential as they play a significant role in human resource management and also enhance competitiveness. It wishes to highlight what competencies (can) en... |
Mitáček, Michal
Stanovení výkonnostních měřítek řízení pracovního výkonu pomocí metody This article deals w ith setting up the performance benchmarks and indicators using methods of costs process management ABC. The research of the performance management system application in ... |
Hojná, Radana
Kafková, Růžena
Environmental aspects of cost management in the Czech republic Industry is continuously developing and so environmental protection is becoming more and more important. An important role in environmental protection is played by the European Union, which ... |
Eger, Ludvík
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