Číslo 1 (2017) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Bláha, Petr
FRIČ, Pavol (ed.) (2016): Občanský sektor v ohrožení? Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství (SLON). |
Liška, Martin
McDONOUGH, Frank (2016): Gestapo. Mýtus a realita Hitlerovy tajné policie. Praha: Vyšehrad. |
Kubica, Jan
HEINRICHOVÁ, Naděžda a kol. (2015): Německá próza po roce 2000. Červený Kostelec: Pavel Mervart. |
Bílek, Jaroslav
SUK, Jiří (2016): Veřejné záchodky ze zlata: Konflikt mezi komunistickým utopismem a ekonomickou racionalitou v předlistopadovém Československu. Praha: Prostor. |
Stulík, Ondřej
JOHNSON, Paul (2016): Sokrates. Člověk pro naši dobu. Brno: Barrister & Principal. |
Zákravský, Jiří
VACZI, Mariann (2015): Soccer, Culture and Society in Spain: An Ethnography of Basque Fandom. Londýn a New York: Routledge. |
Chocholatý, Michal
Rozhovor s Wojciechem Mazurkem |
Nožinová, Soňa
Krištuf, Petr
Šperky jako součást kroje střední doby bronzové The aim of this paper is to reconstruct the costumes of high-ranking women and men in Middle Bronze Age society. Costumes are seen as a badge of social status, which, through jewellery, communicate affiliations to a social group. We believe that an analysis of grave goods... |
Koláříková, Dagmar
K otázce adaptace anglicismů ve francouzštině v porovnání s češtinou na příkladu názvů subkultur This article deals with the analysis of English borrowings in French and Czech. The basis for the presented analysis is the field of youth subcultures (such as beats, hipsters, hippies, mods, teddy boys, rude boys, skinheads, rastafarians and punks) outlined by Dick Hebdige in ... |
Horová, Helena
K textové lingvistice: diachronní a synchronní hledisko uplatněné v rámci české a frankofonní lingvistiky The main aim of our study is to introduce the topic of textual linguistics from the diachronic and synchronic perspective by employing the comparative approach during the processing of relevant linguistic sources. The study will explore the development of textual linguistics as one ... |
Krištofová, Veronika
Japonská expedice na Tchaj-wan v roce 1874 This study describes the Japanese expedition to Taiwan in 1874. The expedition was a part of Japan’s transformation from a traditional and conservative Asian state to one supporting a programme of modernization, leading it to become a rapidly prosperous state that was newly inspire... |
Pásztorová, Barbora
Metternich a šlesvicko-holštýnská otázka The aim of this study is to analyze the development of the Schleswig-Holstein question, especially during the 1840s, and to outline Austrian Chancellor Metternich’s attitude on the issue. Metternich began to pay attention to the Schleswig-Holstein question after July 8, 1846 when Danish... |
Schmiedl, Martin
Šmolík, Vojtěch
Post-konfliktní Rwanda: země tisíce kopců v šedé zóně mezi demokracií a autoritářstvím? In 1994, acts of genocide in Rwanda claimed the lives of almost one million people. After peace was established, a new provisional regime was put in place. For nine years after, the country was ruled by a provisional government led by the Rwandan Patriotic Front, a f... |
Lehnerová, Markéta
Manipulace s kolektivní pamětí na příkladu osvobození Rokycan The aim of this paper is to show how collective memory can be influenced and which methods can be used to do so. Research focuses on the liberation of Rokycany after the Second World War in 1945 and on the methods of interpreting the liberation in the socialist&... |
Valkovičová, Veronika
Prostitúcia, governmentalita a techniky moci: konsenzuálne poskytovanie sexuálnych služieb na Slovensku The aim of the paper is to analyse the Slovak public policies on the consensual provision of sexual services through the prism of Foucault’s governmentality, but also in terms of discourse and narrative analysis. The first part of this paper focuses on the perspective of ... |
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