Vacík, Emil
Špaček, Miroslav
The factors influencing open innovation adoption Open innovation which has become popular concept over past two decades creates the tool enabling not only speeder development of innovation but also creation of higher quality innovation. On the other hand, the companies suffer from prejudices towards opening up internal company know-ho... |
Polívka, Martin
Dvořáková, Lilia
The importance of Industry 4.0 technologies when selecting an ERP system – An empirical study The paper deals with the issue of the impact of the “Industry 4.0” concept on the process of selection of the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. Firstly, review of the literature regarding the ERP system selection is presented, with the emphasis on the... |
Januška, Martin
Palacká, Alena
Critical Success Factors for Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions in Central Europe: Empirical Study This article aims to evaluate critical success factors in the use of the Public Procurement for Innovations (PPI) concept. The first part of the article deals with a systematic research literature review on the topic of critical success factors for PPI. In the second part,... |
Kureková, Lucie
Hejduková, Pavlína
Komárková, Lenka
Human Resources for Health and Health Outcomes: Panel Data Analysis This study aims to evaluate the effects of selected key factors on health outcomes. Unfortunately, statistical reporting in this field is not harmonized, and in some countries it is completely absent. For this reason, valuable information for health determinant analysis may be lacking... |
Grzebyk, Mariola Jolanta
Stec, Małgorzata
Hejduková, Pavlína
Implementation of sustainable development goal 8 in European Union countries–A measurement concept and a multivariate comparative analysis The study attempts to determine a synthetic measure of the level of implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 8 related to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all and conducts a multivariate comparative analysi... |
Pokorný, Jan
Population Ageing in Portugal and Pension Measurements The Portuguese population ageing is one of the highest in the European Union. The welfare state and its development are affected by the historical development, political instability of the 20th century, and the high level of Christianity. The public pension schemes reflect it in... |
Pokorný, Jan
Financing of Social and Solidarity Economy in France: 90/10 Rule Social and solidarity economics (SSE) is discussed issue currently in countries of West Europe, where its roots can be found. The topic of this paper is the financing of the SSE in France, where is created a financial system called 90/10 rule, where 5-10 % of as... |
Toušek, Zdeněk
Hinke, Jana
Gregor, Barbora
Prokop, Martin
How does the effect of external financing on profitability differ across tiers? Evidence from the automotive supply chain Due to the importance of automotive industry for the Czech Republic (in a broader sense for European countries) and due to the unprecedented development of both national and European economies caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, also having implications on the financial sector, we aim... |
Číž, Josef
Evaluation of suppliers using digitalization The article discusses the evaluation of suppliers in a selected international food company, maps the current state of evaluation and describes the upcoming benefits of possible digitalization. This section is a comparison of original and new solutions and subsequent recommendations in the... |
Pokorný, Jan
Evaluation of pension sustainability and its application Sustainability is a very important topic for the pension system with regard to population ageing and changes in labor market as digitalization and Industry 4.0. These causes are the reason for reforms of pension systems, which will lead to systems that are more robust with... |
Šafrová, Dominika
Sharing economy: shared accommodation The sharing economy has been constantly evolving and changing over the years. Development concerns existing as well as new areas. It has already developed into many forms. Its regulation is constantly being addressed in specific cases. Within the issues addressed by the paper, it... |
Dvořáková, Lilia
Vacek, Jiří
The Adaptation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Service Sector to the Conditions of Society 4.0 The paper presents the results of the research focused on the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) adaptation in the service sector to the implementation of principles, processes, methods, and tools of Society 4.0. This study primarily aims to demonstrate practices and tools for... |
Kopp, Jan
Hejduková, Pavlína
Kureková, Lucie
Ježek, Jiří
Vogt, David
Kategorizace nástrojů prosazování efektivního hospodaření se srážkovou vodou na rozvojových plochách This paper proposes categorising the tools public administrations can use to support and promote efficient rainfall (HDV) management on urban and municipal development sites. The overview of tools, their description and classification according to selected criteria was developed as part of a... |
Kopp, Jan
Hejduková, Pavlína
Kureková, Lucie
Ježek, Jiří
Vogt, David
Kategorizace nástrojů prosazování efektivního hospodaření se srážkovou vodou na rozvojových plochách This paper proposes categorising the tools public administrations can use to support and promote efficient rainwater management on urban and municipal development sites. The overview of tools, their description and classification according to selected criteria was developed as part of ... |
Hejduková, Pavlína
Kureková, Lucie
Přímá podpora jako nástroj pro efektivní hospodaření se srážkovou vodou Water is not only a part of nature but an essential commodity of the economic and social system. The reason is that water is needed in people's lives, in industry and in other sectors of every country's economy. Because of the many studies that point t... |
Grzebyk, Mariola
Stec, Małgorzata
Hejduková, Pavlína
Financial situation and sustainable development of territorial units – a comparative analysis of polish voivodeships This paper compares and statistically evaluates two complex phenomena emerging from the example of Polish voivodeships in the years 2017-2019: the resulting financial situation and the level of sustainable development. The authors applied a model-free research method... |
Grzebyk, Mariola Jolanta
Hedesz, Angelika
Ocena przydatności strategii rozwoju miast na prawach powiatu województwa podkarpackiego w opinii mieszkańców |
Černá, Marie
Hejduková, Pavlína
COVID-19 Pandemic: New Opportunities for Employment and Education? The economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic are, and of course in the future will be, serious. These consequences are very often foundable also in labour market and education. Some of them are not only problems, but also new opportunities: improving of working conditions,... |
Kureková, Lucie
Hejduková, Pavlína
MULTILEVEL RESEARCH OF MIGRATION WITH A FOCUS ON INTERNAL MIGRATION In the research of migration, we can encounter the application of multidisciplinary approaches with the use of knowledge from existing theories, which implies the need for statistical reporting. It is not always easy to determine who a migrant is, and studies exploring migration ca... |
Šafrová, Dominika
Hejduková, Pavlína
COVID-19 pandemic and the sharing economy The sharing economy has become an integral part of our lives, being in the areas such as transport, accommodation or others. The current situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has had unavoidable effects on the sharing economy. This paper aims to determine the impacts of... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta ekonomická / Faculty of Economy
- Katedra financí a účetnictvi / Department of Finance and Accounting
- 31 2020 - 2023
- 40 2011 - 2019