Číslo 1 (2018) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Semerák, Jiří
Modernizace výuky slévárenství The aim of the thesis is to create teaching aids, which were as realistic as possible to describe the working process in the production of cast iron castings with graphite (LLG). They will provide students with basic knowledge of foundry in an attractive form. The essence... |
Hadi, Saleh
Azamat, Dzhonov
Decentralized application for lease/rent lodgings based on blockchain This paper is devoted for a problem of storing a large data flow in decentralized applications based on Blockchain technology. Blockchain technology provides transparency and consistency of data but storing a large data stream in the Blockchain causes problems. This paper provides main&... |
Sereda, Andżelika
Solecka, Anna
Uproszczony dydktyczny model układu słonecznego Artykuł ten został poświęcony uproszczonemu modelowi Układu Słonecznego. Zawiera on informacje dotyczące zarówno wykorzystania go w dydaktyce, jak również szczegółowy opis sposobu wykonania. Prezentuje także korzyści zastosowania niniejszego modelu przez uczniów. |
Tsakoumagkou, Pinelopi
Theoretical approaches to the contibution of art in education Art, especially art education, constitutes an integral part of education. Nowadays, engaging in art seems to take on increasing ground, incorporating innovative technologies, and being one of the key tools of transformative learning. This paper examines the contribution of art to personal... |
Kopecký, Miroslav
Reštauračné techniky použité pri obnove historického rádio prijímača Práca sa zaoberá reštaurovaním historického rádioprijímača a postupmi ktoré museli byť použité aby bol radioprijímač zachovaný a postupne obnovený do pôvodného stavu |
Ivanova, Galina
Window block for buildings with automated control The author presents an innovative solution for control of automatic window opening. The author presents a design solution as well as an automation circuit solution. |
Ivanova, G. M.
Getting hydrogen from water The proposed main technical experimental setup cold gasification and dissociation of liquids with their transfer to the fuel gas through an electric field. |
Soldatov, Alexander
3D modeling as an alternative method of the tasks solution at the technology lessons The article deals with the application of 3d modeling and 3d-printing for solving practical-oriented tasks. There is presented a full cycle of production of the part performing the functions as a fastening in a table lamp. The proposed materials are useful in demonstrating the ... |
Zotos, Christos
Armakolas, S.
The role of social media in education: designing a novel digital learning environment Social media have become an integral part of our lives, offering a wide range of services and aiming to satisfy, in a variety of ways, our need for communication. As a matter of fact (and judging solely by their very definition), these platforms might as well have... |
Zotos, C.
Gorogia, H.
Arvanitaki, D.
Open-source tools in education: how android can find its place in a learning environment In the last decades, mobile devices have successfully managed to become an integral part of our everyday lives. This particular technology is progressively occupying more and more of the time we previously used to spend on desktop computers. This is especially apparent since the... |
Kotková, Pavlína
Pěchoučková, Šárka
Využití pracovních činností ve výuce matematiky na 1. stupni Mathematics is applied in many fields of human society. At elementary school we can integrate it with other subjects. We will focus on linking mathematics and work activities. The goal will be to create tools that we will use in teaching mathematics in some grades of ... |
Tucan, Elena
Methodology of development of general educational pupils skills at technology lessons This article deals with process of formation general educational skills at technology lessons in the municipal autonomous general educational institution "Gymnasium №3 of the city of Vladimir" |
Sokolova, Oksana
Independent work as means of activization of educational cognitive activity of pupils in the course of training of technology The article considers a problem of educational-cognitive activity of pupils at lessons of technology means independent work. The article presents the results of the self-education of pupils on the basis of MBOU SOSh 15 of Vladimir city. |
Chondrogianni, D.
Malaisiada, E.
Tsakoumagkou, P.
Armakolas, A.
STEM policy’sS integration into the Greek educational teacher training system Lately, there has been a global growing demand for STEM learning, an innovative, educational policy that combines four disciplines: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. It is a fact that developed countries such as the US, China, Belgium, Germany, etc. annually spend a larg... |
Antonova, Tatiana
Pedagogical support of professional self-determination of students The essence of the concepts of pedagogical support, professional self-determination, professional orientation. The analysis of pedagogical experience on pedagogical support of professional self-determination of pupils is carried out. The program of the elective course "Professional self-determination", the... |
Rothová, Eva
Pěchoučková, Šárka
Rozvíjení předmatematických představ prostřednictvím polytechnické výchovy In the kindergarten, a probe was conducted to find out, in connection with polytechnic education, the movement of 5 - 6 year old children in space orientation. 10 children attended research trials, which performed a total of 10 tasks. The experiment was divided into three ... |
Huľová, Zlatica
Historický a mezinárodní kontext v premenách technického vzdelávania na Slovensku do roku 2015 Nowadays, technical education at primary schools requires substantial attention of not only professionals but also of the general public. The fact that urgent problems in technical education of primary school aged pupils are neglected and left unsolved determines the need to deal with... |
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