Číslo 2 (2012) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Jindra, Petr
Aspekty provozu bioplynových kogeneračních jednotek v energetických sítích |
Dončuk, Jan
Mráz, Pavel
Možnosti stanovení vlhkosti v pevné izolaci transformátoru Power transformers play an important role in the electrical networks of each state, and from an economical point of view, they are an expensive investment. To maintain the safe and reliable function of transformers, it is necessary to have actual information. For these reasons ... |
Lindr, David
Rydlo, Pavel
Magnusek, Radek
Inverse dynamics control method applied to the standard servo control system to suppress two-mass system vibration This paper describes a method for two-mass system torsional vibrations suppression. These vibrations are evoked due to torsion plasticity of mechanism kinematical chain links and large moment of inertia. This strategy belongs to the group of feedforward control techniques. By means of t... |
Machač, Jan
Steiner, František
Řízení rizik v etapě vývoje technologického procesu Risk management is an integral part of every state-of-art production enterprise because running enterprises always go with various kinds of risks. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and improve ways of implementation of a risk control system into enterprise processes. Risks are suppo... |
Mráz, Jan
Modal diversity based on modal analysis for antenna system embedded into television receiver A novel approach to designing antenna systems for television receivers is proposed. The antenna system is embedded into the receiver to make the television receiver partly independent on the roof antenna system. For this purpose, it employs diversity techniques to cope with lower p... |
Papcun, Peter
Čopík, Matěj
Ilkovič, Jan
Riadenie robota integrovaného v pružnom výrobnom systéme This article presents control architecture of industrial robot Mitsubishi RV-2SDB that is integrated into Flexible Manufacturing Company. The robot handle head is equipped with air vacuum suction cups, by which the robot handles with the products. The robot is part of the Flexible ... |
Linhart, Richard
Generátor pilotních signálů zvuku systémů PAL B, G, D, K This article presents control architecture of industrial robot Mitsubishi RV-2SDB that is integrated into Flexible Manufacturing Company. The robot handle head is equipped with air vacuum suction cups, by which the robot handles with the products. The robot is part of the Flexible ... |
Prosr, Pavel
Polanský, Radek
Možnosti využití infračervené spektroskopie s Fourierovou transformací při vstupní kontrole těsnících materiálů A sealing is defined as an element, which should to prevent water or gases infiltration by gaps created during connections between different compounds. Sealing compound properties is possible to carry out e.g. using dynamical mechanical analysis. From the point of accuracy of the m... |
Kochmannová, Eva
Nástroje řízení kvality |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikace ZČU / UWB Publications
- Časopisy ZČU / UWB Journals
- Electroscope
- Ročník 2012
- 9 2012