Číslo 1 (2020) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Wanner, Michal
Filip PAULUS, Šárka STEINOVÁ et al. Krajina a urbanismus na rukopisných plánech z 18. století − Landscape and Urbanism in Manuscript Plans from the 18th Century. Translokační plány židovských obydlí v zemích Koruny české v letech 1727−1728 – Translocation plans of Jewish Settlements in the Lands of the Bohemian Crown from the Period of 1727−1728 Praha: Národní archiv 2020 ISBN 978-80-7469-088-4, 446 pages |
Gralińska-Toborek, Agnieszka
An Independent Artistic Movement in the Last Decade of Communistic System in Poland |
Osmonova, Samara Kurbanaliyevna
Traditsionnoe vospitaniye detey kyrgyzskoy sem'ye v sisteme truda (v kontse XIX – nachalo XX vv. Na primere yugo-zapada Ferganskoy doliny) In this article, based on field data and a wide range of sources, the traditional upbringing of children within the labour system of Kyrgyz residents in the south-western part of Fergana has been investigated. The main purpose was to characterize the specific features o... |
Donátková, Zuzana
Futurism and the Birth of Fascism This study analyses selected aspects of the Italian Futurist movement’s political agenda, its involvement in interventionist campaigns for Italy to join the First World War, and its subsequent role in the forming of the Fascist movement. The Intervento, the nine-month period... |
Suppan, Arnold
Saint-Germain and Trianon, 1919–1920. The Imperialist Peace Order in Central Europe The peace treaties of Saint-Germain and Trianon sealed the disintegration of the Habsburg Monarchy into seven successor states under international law. Due to the ethnically mixed settlement structures of Austria-Hungary, the application of the right of self-determination led to mult... |
Gadowska, Irmina
Milerowska, Magdalena
Jewish Capital as the Factor Shaping the City’s Architecture. Selected Examples of Industrial Urban Development of Piotrków Trybunalski in the Second Half of the 19th Century (up to 1914) Currently, Piotrków Trybunalski is one of many medium-sized towns on the map of Poland, yet at the end of the 19th century was the fifth largest in the Polish Kingdom, second only to Warsaw, Łódź, Lublin, and Częstochowa. The city was the seat of governorate authorities,&... |
Skřivan, Aleš Sr.
Skřivan, Aleš Jr.
Trade Gateway to the Habsburg Monarchy. On Trieste’s Status, Development and Importance to the mid-19th Century This study presents and evaluates Trieste’s relationship to the House of Habsburg, or the Habsburg Monarchy, from its beginnings in the 14th century to the mid-19th century. The authors evaluate the port’s longstanding rivalry with the Republic of Venice, notes the Habsburgs’... |
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