Číslo 1 (2022) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Anastasia, Griva
Christos, Zotos
Stefanos, Armakolas
The utilization of stem methodology and the new role of the teacher Nowadays, technology is rapidly finding its place many areas of daily life while decisively influencing many human activities. In addition, it continues to have a significant impact in the field of education, especially in secondary education. Today, most schools in Greece ... |
Šimsová, Kateřina
Vzdělávací program základních škol a využití techniky v Portugalsku The aim of this work is to acquaint the reader with how it works at the equivalent of a primary school in Portugal and, for example, how technical education is used in this country. Data for this article were obtained from the experience of the Erasmus in... |
Nedvědová, Jana
Pěchoučková, Šárka
Herní činnosti v matematice A probe took place at the 1st stage of primary school with the aim of creating their own mathematical play activities for pupils in the 1st to 5th grades, implementing them with pupils and carrying out reflections. When creating didactic games, we were mainly ... |
Filippou, Glykeria
Sotiriou, Anastasia
Armakola, Eleni
The use of innovative technology in special education: occupational therapy intervention and daily life Nowadays new technologies are increasingly used in the treatment of patients and people experiencing difficulties. Τhe plethora of research based upon the use of new technologies with reference to special disorders. The aim of the conducted research is to proceed into an... |
Hrdličková, Natálie
Honzíková, Jarmila
Aichinger, Daniel
Didaktické pomůcky v předškolním zařízení Children in pre-primary education perceive the world around them with all their senses. From a teacher’s perspective it is important to involve these human senses as far as possible. Therefore, such didactic aids are often used to gain new knowledge that are interestin... |
Gierlak, Wiktoria
Field game for elementary school children My work focuses on a field game about Scouting. Its theme is the World Thinking Day which takes place on February 22nd, the birthday of Robert Baden-Powell; Founder of Scouting. The aim of the game is to encourage children to actively explore the world around... |
Vajskebr, Tomáš
Frank, Filip
Bezděka, Jan
Tisk 3D objektů a určení nejlepší tiskové teploty vybraných materiálů This article is focused on chosen materials in form of printing strings, also known as filament, which are used for 3D printing by FDM/FFF method. The article describes difference between FDM and FFF method of 3D printing. The article also deals with individual... |
Kohoutová, Jitka
Baťko, Jan
Robomaster S1 a jeho využití ve volnočasových aktivitách na ZŠ There was not a strong position of the educational robotics in the curriculum of elementary schools in the Czech Republic in the past. Educational robotics was implemented by a plenty of schools primarily as an additional form of education as a leisure time activi... |
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