Kaplan, Aleš
Analýza energetické bilance v teplárně a návrh na inovaci This article is focused on energy balance of cogeneration power plant in Pilsen in the Czech Republic. Basic parameters of this power station are described and diagrams of average power balance in 2010 are presented. This analysis is focused on consumption of primary fuels, se... |
Ďurman, Vladimír
Factors affecting the results of electrical insulation diagnostic tests In this paper the influence of some transient phenomena on the results of dielectric measurements is discussed. The investigation is concerned with the region of very low frequencies or the region of very long times. Based on the solution of Maxwell equations three phenomena w... |
Motyčka, Martin
ANOVA – Základní metoda vyhodnocování experimentů Industrial experiments are a fundamental tool to ensure quality production. It has an essential role especially in the initial development of the product and the subsequent quality improvement. For statistical evaluation is necessary to use a systematic design of the experiment. Basic s... |
Čermák, Karel
Využití dotykové plochy pro výuku dětí se specifickými poruchami učení This article describes how to use common IT components to create interactive devices for children with learning disabilities. In this case the cheap touch monitor was used. The first part of this article shortly describes the main idea of this project. Next part talks about... |
Doležal, Jaroslav
Šťastný, Jan
Švadlenka, Michal
EEG database merging for BCI applications This paper presents a method for merging of different EEG recordings. We deal with merging of recordings and EEG stability with respect to long-term Brain-Computer Interface usage. Recording sessions from experiments separated by a one year period are used to test the method. Class... |
Martínek, Radek
Klein, Lukáš
Marek, Pavel
Novel signal gate solution suitable for implementation in audio and recording technologies The paper deals with the design and construction of signal gate standardly used in audio technology. The presented signal gate solution uses relatively unusual structural elements in the circuit structure. There are not therefore employed circuit elements by THAT Corporation Audio Technology... |
Tureček, Oldřich
Švarný, Jiří
Hrubý, Jan
Ekonomické řešení diagnostiky vibrací kompresoru |
Pinkerová, Martina
Polanský, Radek
Nové trendy v materiálech používaných pro izolaci a opláštění kabelů Thanks to frequent usage of plastics, ordinary materials were almost replaced from cable industry. But the term - plastics is often connected with the risk of fire, especially if these materials are used in proximity of explosive atmosphere or other flammable substances (mainly in&... |
Panc, Tomáš
Tůmová, Olga
Kupka, Lukáš
Kalibrace dotykových snímačů teplot bez profesionálního vybavení This paper deals with the methods of temperature calibration performed without professional equipment. Limits of usage and uncertainties of these methods were determined from measured data. Described processes can be used to verify or calibrate temperature measurement devices without great precis... |
Kůs, Václav
Necharakteristické harmonické a meziharmonické polovodičových měničů |
Januška, Martin
Poór, Peter
Kurkin, Ondřej
Návrh prostředí pro efektivní komunikaci velkého počtu lidí napříč řadou různých obchodních subjektů This paper deals with description of requirements for communication environment effectively usable for virtual enterprise paradigm support or for effective communication between large number of users across number of different business subjects. The paper briefly introduce communication problems in vi... |
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- Časopisy ZČU / UWB Journals
- Electroscope
- Ročník 2012