Browsing by Author Sedláček, František

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Additive Manufacturing of PA6 with Short Carbon Fibre Reinforcement using Fused Deposition ModellingSedláček, František; Lašová, Václava
2020Compressive strength prediction of quad-diametral lattice structuresRáž, Karel; Chval, Zdeněk; Sedláček, František
2019Design and Determination of Strength of Adhesive Bonded JointsKalina, Tomáš; Sedláček, František
2020Design of Composite Disc Spring for Automotive Suspension with using Numerical SimulationMrázek, Martin; Sedláček, František; Skovajsa, Michal
2020Design of Injection Mold from Plastic MaterialChval, Zdeněk; Ráž, Karel; Sedláček, František
2020Design of Multi-Part Mould for Production of a Medium-Large Carbon Fibre ComponentSkovajsa, Michal; Sedláček, František; Mrázek, Martin
2018Determination of cohesive parameters for mode I of epoxy adhesiveKalina, Tomáš; Sedláček, František; Kroupa, Tomáš
2020Determination of interlaminar fracture toughness of cfrp composite in mode i using numerical simulation with cohesive elementsSedláček, František; Kalina, Tomáš; Ráž, Karel
2021Determination of mechanical properties of composite sandwich panel with aluminium honeycomb coreSkovajsa, Michal; Sedláček, František; Mrázek, Martin
2019Determination of Mode II Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of CFRP Composites Using Numerical SimulationsSedláček, František; Kalina, Tomáš; Ráž, Karel
2018Determining the strength of composite cylindrical bonded joints using numerical simulation with cohesive elementsSedláček, František; Kalina, Tomáš; Raab, Zdeněk
2019Effect of melt temperature on weld line strengthRáž, Karel; Sedláček, František
2020Experimental Testing of Basic Crash Elements Made of CFRP by Additive TechnologiesKalina, Tomáš; Špirk, Stanislav; Sedláček, František
2018Investigation of driving properties for formula StudentRendl, Jan; Zilli, Leonardo; Sedláček, František
2019Metodika návrhu pokročilých flexibilních komponent z kompozitních materiálů za využití numerických simulacíSedláček, František
2021Numerical and experimental modal analysis of a carbon fibre monocoqueSkovajsa, Michal; Kroft, Roman; Sedláček, František
2012Optimalizace těhlice s vybranými navazujícími komponenty vozu Formule SAESedláček, František
2023Optimization of Components with Topology Optimization for Direct Additive Manufacturing by DLMSSedláček, František; Kalina, Tomáš; Štěpánek, Martin
2019Optimization of main parts of a heavy duty cnc machine centre using a topological optimizationSedláček, František; Lašová, Václava; Bernardin, Petr; Janda, Petr; Švagr, Marcel
2022Stabilizing legs with possibility of loss of stability to protect glass fibre reinforced polymer tankKottner, Radek; Sedláček, František; Jahodník, Ondřej