Katedra ústavního práva / Department of Fundamental Law
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Poslední příspěvky
Beránková, Eliška
Právní analýza NGEU The NGEU is a unique combination of financial instruments and legal measures designed to have a significant impact on the European economy and the shape of EU integration. The thesis examines the political context in which the NGEU was created and the EU legal fram... |
Mrklas, Jan
Rakouské ústavní soudnictví 367 / 5 000 Výsledky překladu Výsledek překladu My work focuses on Austrian constitutional justice. I chose this topic because Austria and the Czech Republic shared a relatively long history. I was interested in how different the Austrian constitutional system is today... |
Šimánová, Viktorie
Manželství stejnopohlavních párů pohledem ústavního práva This thesis called ,,Same-Sex Marriage from the Perspective of Constitutional Law" deals with the analysis of the institution of marriage and registered partnership at the sub-constitutional and constitutional levels. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter examines the&... |
Vágnerová, Anna Marie
EU a předsednictví ČR v Radě EU v letech 2009 a 2022 The central topic of this bachelor's thesis is EU and the Presidency of the Czech Republic in the Council of the European Union during the years 2009 and 2022. The thesis begins with a description of the longstanding relationship between the Czech Republic and the Eur... |
Pacovský, Patrik
Volební kampaň v soudní judikatuře v ČR The bachelor's thesis "Election campaign in judicial jurisprudence in the Czech Republic" discusses the issue of the election campaign within the framework of political competition in the territory of the Czech Republic. It presents the basic terms associated with this topic an... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta právnická / Faculty of Law