Poslední příspěvky
Krajdlová, Zuzana
Hodnocení kultury bezpečí pacientů studenty ošetřovatelství This bachelor's thesis examines nursing students' assessment of patient safety culture. The theoretical work focuses on summarizing assessment and measurement tools that assess nursing students' patient safety culture. Twelve questionnaires are presented in the thesis. In addition, studies invo... |
Dědičová, Mirka
Úroveň motorických dovedností a objem pohybových aktivit žáků na Sokolovsku Rigorous work deals with the motor level skills and volume of movement activities of pupils on Sokolovsko. The theoretical part described the characteristics children of younger school age, movement, physical activity and motor skills in children. In the research part, a described resea... |
Polák, Michal
Vyšetřování optických a strukturních vlastností tenkých vrstev Cu\dindex{2}O dopovaných dusíkem This bachelor thesis examines optical and structural properties of transparent conductive oxides (TCO), particularly copper oxides enhanced with nitrogen atoms. Basics of TCO theory and techniques for measuring their parameters are explained, specifically ellipsometry and Raman spectroscopy. Those are ... |
Lucák, Lukáš
Charakterizace elektrických vlastností tenkovrstvých polovodičů na bázi Cu-O and Cu-O-N This bachelor thesis focuses on the investigation of the electrical properties of copper oxide thin films doped with nitrogen (Cu-O, Cu-O-N) in two series of samples with different deposition conditions. Resistivity, charge carrier concentration and mobility were measured on square samples u... |
Vosejpka, Jan
Tenkovrstvé materiály na bázi Cu-O připravované pomocí HiPIMS pro rozklad vody This work focuses on the preparation of Cu2O thin film materials using high power pulsed magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) for photocatalytic applications with emphasis on photoelectrochemical water decomposition. First, the differences between HiPIMS and direct current magnetron sputtering (DCMS) are dis... |
- 524 education
- 433 analýza
- 431 analysis
- 424 finanční analýza
- další >
- 19724 bakalářská práce
- 13742 diplomová práce
- 199 rigorózní práce
- 1 masterThesis
- 10143 2020 - 2024
- 23523 2012 - 2019