Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 82
Beňová, Mariana
Dobrucký, Branislav
Using Z-transform for solution of steady state and transient state in single-phase voltage inverter system
Baron, Bernard
Kraszewski, Tomasz
Świszcz, Piotr
The submerged arc furnace state of work in the frequency domain
Doležel, Ivo
Úvodní strany
Zochniak, Michal
Sawicki, Bartosz
Virtual market for trustworthy peer-to-peer computing systems
Zagirnyak, Mykhaylo
Zachepa, Iurii
Chenchevoi, Vladimir
Svystun, Anton
Research of Self-Contained Induction Generator Characteristics During Direct Current Consumers Supply
Zagirnyak, Mykhaylo
Ogar, Vita
Svystun, Anton
Chenchevoi, Vladimir
Induction Motor Characteristics Taking into Account the Variations of Magnetic System Properties
Wieczorek, Bożena
Połomski, Marcin
Speedup and accuracy of parallel simulated annealing algorithms
Walczak, Janusz
Jakubowska, Agnieszka
Phase resonance in series fractional order RLβCα circuit
Typańska, Dorota
Skowronek, Konrad
Using uninterruptible power supply devices as protection against power disruptions in an “intelligent building”
Sztymelski, Krzysztof
Holajn, Piotr
The second order LP filtering structures using the CCC
Strykhalyuk, Igor
Maksymyuk, Taras
Spectrum sharing in infrastructure based Cognitive Radio networks
Štarman, Václav
Kacerovský, Jan
Mach, František
Karban, Pavel
Doležel, Ivo
Impact of Humidity on Efficiency of Triboelectric Separator for Mixture of Plastic Particles
Rendzinyak, Serhiy
Mathematical models of the subsystems with distributed parameters for the transient simulation of electric circuits by diakoptic methods
Putz, Łukasz
Typańska, Dorota
Analysis of the electrical parameters of electroluminescent lighting in the lobby of an office building
Stakhiv, Petro
Byczkowska-Lipińska, Liliana
Spivak, Iryna
Kozak, Yuriy
Simulation of quasi-periodic processes in dynamic systems based on optimization approach
Stakhiv, Petro
Krepych, Svitlana
Bobalo, Yuriy
Evaluation of the functional suitability of the device considering the technological parameters of random deviations from the nominal component aging processes
Smetana, Milan
Strapáčová, Tatiana
Janoušek, Ladislav
Detection of steel phase transition using magneto-resistive sensors in eddy current testing
Siwek, Krzysztof
Osowski, Stanislaw
Comparison of Methods of Feature Generation for Face Recognition
Pruski, Piotr
Paszek, Stefan
Calculation of electromechanical eigenvalues based on measured instantaneous power waveforms
Prudyus, Ivan
Tkachenko, Victor
Kondratov, Peter
Lazko, Leonid
Fabirovskyy, Serhiy
Spectral Based Approach of Subpixel Image Formation
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 82