Katedra finančního práva a národního hospodářství / Department of Financial Law and National Management

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Ho ba, Huy
Vybraná legislativní úprava FinTech v České republice a jeho užití v praxi

The subject of this rigorous thesis is ?Selected legal framework of FinTech in the Czech Republic and its use in practice?. The main objective of this rigorous thesis is to present selected legislative regulation of FinTech in the Czech Republic and partly in the European ...

Krátký, Oliver
Finančněprávní aspekty AML zákona v advokacii

The thesis is primarily centred on elucidating and scrutinizing the responsibilities incumbent upon attorneys concerning the verification and identification of clients, as stipulated by the provisions outlined in Act No. 253/2008 Coll.In my thesis I also deal with the conflict between t...

Pazdera, Jaroslav
Právní aspekty řešení krize bankovních institucí

The master's thesis will deal with the legal aspects of solving the crisis of banking institutions. In the introductory part, the thesis will introduce the chosen topic in more detail and will also discuss the issue in historical context. Subsequently, the thesis will be d...

Gregor, Michal
Praktické fungování osob v rámci AML zákona č. 253/2008 Sb. Zákon o některých opatřeních proti legalizaci výnosů z trestné činnosti a financování terorismu

This thesis focuses on the practical functioning of entities subjected to the Act No. 253/2008 Coll., known as the Anti-Money Laundering Act, in the Czech Republic. The aim of this work is to look at the history and development of the AML Act and further legislation&...

Gola, Michal
Kritická analýza mezinárodní výměny daňových informací se zaměřením na automatickou výměnu

This thesis presents a critical analysis of the legal instruments for the international exchange of tax information with a focus on automatic exchange of information. As automatic exchange of information is currently the most important type of information exchange, it receives the most&...