Volume 8, number 1-3 (2000) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Tytkowski, Krzysztof T.
Algorithm for generation of reflections on ´flat´ elements for visualisation purposes (e.g. glass sheets) In real model inaccuracy connected with surface making must be taken into account It has been assumed that reflections from real surface will not be calculated and thus only 'shifts' of a picture will be determined. The suggested algorithm includes/ takes into consideration... |
Azariadis, Philipp N.
Aspragathos, Nikos A.
Surface flattening based on constraint global optimization In this paper, the problem of generating a planar development of arbitrary three-dimensional surfaces is addressed. A new method based on a global optimization process under constraints is proposed. In this method an initial planar development is derived which is refined in order t... |
Pereira, João P.
Jorge, Joaquim A.
Branco, Vasco
Ferreira, F. Nunes
Towards calligraphic interfaces: sketching 3D scenes with gestures and context icons GIDeS (Gesture-based Intuitive Design System) is a gesture-based modeling system that addresses the known ergonomic shortcomings of present-day CAD systems for conceptual shape design. GIDeS uses a tablet and stylus combination to combine the intuitive appeal of gesture-based interfaces wi... |
Salonia, Paolo
Negri, Antonella
ARKIS an information system as a tool for analysing and representing heterogeneus data on an architectural scale In the case of historical buildings and monumental architecture, the analysis and understanding of processes of decay call for an interpretative overview encompassing data which stem from different areas of study but are globally interrelated and constitute essential elements for the purpose... |
Grosjean, Jérôme
Stein, Terii
Coquillart, Sabine
Incremental conversion of 3D wire frame models to polygonal surface models Though a large variety of methods has been developed to model 3D objects most of them are based on the construction of solid objects or curved surfaces. This work is part of a sketch-based project for modeling arbitrarily polygonal shapes. The method for mod... |
Suykens, Frank
Willems, Yves D.
Adaptive filtering for progressive Monte Carlo image rendering Image filtering is often applied as a post-process to Monte Carlo generated pictures, in order to reduce noise. In this paper we present an algorithm based on density estimation techniques that applies an energy preserving adaptive kernel filter to individual samples during ... |
Havran, Vlastimil
Dachs, Libor
Žára, Jiří
VIS-RT: a visualization system for RT spatial data structures In this application paper we describe a system for visualization of spatial data structures, that are used to accelerate ray shooting in global illumination. The system has been implemented and further used to verify the correctness of spatial data structures implementation, since for... |
Trembilski, Andrzej
Two methods for cloud visualisation from weather simulation data For the local TV presentation of weather forecast data it is important to have high-quality and fast visualisation of clouds. In this paper I present methods for the visualisation of clouds from data produced by a meteorological weather simulation. Isosurfaces, which are ori... |
Stoev, Stanislav L.
RaFSi – a FastWatershed algorithm based on rainfalling simulation In this paper, we present a fast watershed algorithm based on the rainfalling simulation. We present the various techniques and data structures utilized in our approach. Throughout this work, the processing of large data sets (images as well as volume data) is especially... |
McDonald, John
Toro, Jorge
Alkoby, Karen
Berthiaume, Andre
Chomwong, Pattaraporn
Christopher, Juliet
Davidson, Mary Jo
Furst, Jacob
Konie, Brian
Lancaster, Glenn
Lytinen, Steven
Roychoudhuri, Lopa
Sedgwick, Eric
Tomuro, Noriko
Wolfe, Rosalee
An improved articulated model of the human hand We present an improved anatomically based approach to modeling the human hand for use in the animation of American Sign Language. The joint rotations in the model are based on the bone and muscle configurations of the hand, and a forward kinematic solution is used&... |
Hergenröther, Elke
Dähne, Patrick
Real-time virtual cables based on kinematic simulation We present an algorithm for the real-time simulation of virtual cables using inverse kinematics. A cable is modeled by consecutive cylinder segments of equal size. The segments are connected by ball joints. At every joint there is a spiral spring acting against the excu... |
Stoev, Stanislav L.
Strasser, Wolfgang
QteVtk – a multi-platform, object-oriented visualization environment extending VTK In this study, we present a new comprehensive visualization environment, based on the VTKlibrary. We first introduce a window system independent graphical interface for the VTK-classes and it’s object-oriented design, then we describe a set of viewer and editor classes for displa... |
Jolivet, Vincent
Plemenos, Dimitri
Sbert, Mateu
Pyramidal hemisphere subdivision radiosity. Definition and improvements In this paper a complete presentation of Pyramidal Hemisphere subdivision method is given. This method improves Monte Carlo radiosity by sending more rays towards selected directions. More precisely, we determine regions of the scene where the distribution of the energy must be... |
Kang, Young-Min
Choi, Jeong-Hyeon
Cho, Hwan-Gue
Real-time animation technique for flexible and thin objects In this paper, we propose an efficient technique for the animation of flexible thin object. Massspring model was employed to represent the flexible objects. Many techniques have used the mass-spring model to generate plausible animation of soft objects. The easiest approach to ani... |
Theußl, Thomas
Tobler, Robert F.
Gröller, Eduard
The multi-dimensional Hartley transform as a basis for volume rendering The Fast Hartley Transform (FHT), a discrete version of the Hartley Transform (HT), has been studied in various papers and shown to be faster and more convenient to implement and handle than the corresponding Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). As the HT is not as nicely... |
Wilkie, Alexander
Tobler, Robert F.
Purgathofer, Werner
Raytracing of dispersion effects in transparent materials In this paper we present a stochastic add–on extension to standard raytracing which makes it possible to render dispersion effectsmore efficiently than hitherto possible. Our method incurs less overhead than previous proposals, is physically accurate and is applicable to most of ... |
Lincke, C.
Wüthrich, C. A.
Towards a uni ed approach between digitizations of linear objects and discrete analytical objects This paper compares the traditional digitization method as used in Computer Graphics with the arithmetical geometry approach. Digitizations are interpreted as the set of grid points contained in the dilation of a continuous object and a re ected basic domain. We investigate... |
Bærentzen, J. Andreas
Šrámek, Miloš
Christensen, Niels Jørgen
A morphological approach to the voxelization of solids In this paper we present a new, morphological criterion for determining whether a geometric solid is suitable for voxelization at a given resolution. The criterion embodies two conditions, namely that the curvature of the solid must be bounded and the critical points of ... |
Haindl, M.
Kment, Š.
Slavík, P.
Virtual information systems The article advocates advantages of 3D virtual information systems and suggests possible techniques for their fast automatic acquisition from range and colour registred images together with solutions for virtual space navigation problems. The proposed system consists of five main parts - ran... |
Sanna, A.
Montrucchio, B.
Arina, R.
Visualizing unsteady flows by adaptive streaklines The visualization of unsteady ows is an attractive field of research and texture-based techniques seem to provide satisfactory results. In this paper we propose a texture-based method which follows streaklines in order to produce an effective visualization of time-dependent phe... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikace ZČU / UWB Publications
- Časopisy ZČU / UWB Journals
- Journal of WSCG
- Volume 8 (2000)
- 52 2000