Název: Meshing for discontinuity driven hierarchical radiosity
Autoři: Maierhofer, Alois A.
Gervautz, Michael
Karner, Konrad F.
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: Journal of WSCG. 1996, vol. 4, no. 1-2, p. 192-198.
Datum vydání: 1996
Nakladatel: Václav Skala - UNION Agency
Typ dokumentu: článek
URI: http://wscg.zcu.cz/wscg1996/wscg96.htm#abs
ISSN: 1213-6972 (print)
1213-6980 (CD-ROM)
1213-6964 (online)
Klíčová slova: radiozita;hierarchické zlepšení;diskontinuita mřížkování
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: radiosity;hierarchical refinement;discontinuity meshing
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: A discontinuity driven hierarchical meshing algorithm is presented which keeps polygons well shaped and avoids the generation of T-vertices. The concept of split-hints is introduced enabling us to store splitting information for later use rather than immediately anchoring T-vertices. The concept allows to easily combine hierarchical subdivision of a scene and introduction of discontinuity edges representing shadow boundaries. The complete splitting algorithm using split-hints is given in pseudo-code producing a triangle mesh which can be used for fast Gouraud shaded rendering.
Práva: © Václav Skala - UNION Agency
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Volume 4, number 1-2 (1996)

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