Číslo 4 (2012) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Bencsik, Andrea
Machová, Renáta
Znalostný manažment a etika z pohľadu podnikania Acknowledging the roles of employees can be achieved through appropriate business culture. Business morals and ethics reflect business values; the values define the extent of ethics, or eventually also unethical behavior, and so define the dominant business culture. European countries ... |
Kozáková, Petra
Vypovídací schopnost kalkulace nákladů dle jejího typu Currently it is necessary for every company to be able to react to changing market conditions. So it is also necessary to be concerned with question of costs and revenues. That´s why quality and update cost calculation should have point in business management. The ... |
Sedláček, Marek
Vijayakumar, Sinnathurai
Výkonnost podniků automobilového průmyslu ve vztahu k ekonomické situaci na vybraných trzích v období 2007-2010 The main aim of this paper was to answer questions connected with the issue of accepted concern business strategy. Mainly with their influence on functioning of individual subsidiary companies in the interaction with macroeconomic surrounding represented with chosen macroeconomic indicator... |
Nemeth, František
Strategická pozícia a výkonnosť železničných podnikov v SR The Czech Republic is a small country that does not have sufficient land or resource base. Their competitive advantage must be based on the innovation. The aim of this article is to show the real obstacles to innovation activities. Target group of research are SMEs... |
Duchková, Věra
Hofman, Jiří
Specifika managementu kvality v malém stavebním podniku The article describes the implementation of the quality management system in the small company. The attention is focused on public sector orders, financial support and purchasing. The key sections deal with special characteristics of the quality management system in the small com... |
Hinke, Jana
Zborková, Jitka
Přínos IFRS for SME pro efektivní řízení podniku Business processes cannot be managed effectively without high quality data of financial position and performance. Financial accounting is the main source of these data. Currently are discussed the benefits of IFRS for SMEs for companies in the Czech Republic. The aim of this... |
Krutáková, Petra
Blašková, Eva
Majetková a finančná situácia vybraných poľohospodárskych podnikov SR Analysis of the property and financial situation of selected agricultural companies in the Slovak Republic is carried out on the basis of information, which provided us with accounting through accounting statements, which are individual statements of finances of each entrepreneur. ... |
Kotková, Martina
Krechovská, Michaela
Dopady implementace Basel III na finanční řízení podniků The paper is focused on the impact of the new Basel III banking regulation on businesses and their financial management. After the general definition of the regulation of banks and the development of individual bank standards, the concept of Basel III is introduced. Thi... |
Semerád, Pavel
Bartůňková, Lucie
Daňová spravedlnost poplatníků daně z příjmů fyzických osob : z pohledu příjmů z pronájmu a prodeje nemovitosti The objective of this paper was to make an assessment of tax justice among real estate owners on the basis of comparison of the method of taxation in accordance with § 7 and § 9 (§ 10) of the Income Tax Act. Two different methods of income taxation... |
Čámská, Dagmar
Bankrotní modely tranzitivních zemí This paper is focused on bankruptcy prediction models used in transition economies, namely Latvia and Lithuania. Bankruptcy models or models predicting financial distress are tools which can help analyse financial situation of a business unit and provide a quick answer about fina... |
Saniuk, Anna
Saniuk, Sebastian
Witkowski, Krzysztof
Adoption of the balanced scorecard approach to make-to-order manufacturing In the paper, implementation of the Balanced Scorecard approach in make-to-order manufacturing is proposed, not only for linking the strategy of the enterprise with operational planning, and for measuring the level of strategy realization, but also to develop conditions which are ... |
Ircingová, Jarmila
Ohlédnutí za konferencí Trendy v podnikání 2012 |
Edl, Milan
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