Číslo 1 (2014) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Šikula, Milan
Gavurová, Beáta; Šoltés, Vincent; Kafková, Katarína; Černý, Ľuboš. Vybrané aspekty efektívnosti slovenského zdravotníctva: jednodňová zdravotná starostlivosť a jej rozvoj v podmienkach Slovenskej republiky. Technická univerzita v Košiciách, 2013 |
Kočišová, Kristína
Využívanie platobných kariet a efektívnosť bánk The dynamic development of the use of credit cards there in recent years in all EU Member States, as evidenced by the growth of ATM, EFTPOS terminals, and the value of payments made by them. The aim of this paper was to analyse whether the development of&... |
Dajčman, Silvo
Kavkler, Alenka
Wavelet analysis of stock return energy decomposition and return comovement: a case of some central european and developed european stock markets In this article we investigate comovement of the three Central and Eastern European (CEE) stock markets (Slovenia, the Czech Republic and Hungary) with certain developed European stock markets (Austria, France, Germany and the United Kingdom) through the novel approach of maxima... |
Dragos, Simona Laura
Mare, Codruta
An econometric approach to factors affecting crop insurance in romania Crop insurance is a very well implemented mechanism in the economic and agricultural sectors of the developed countries. In the developing countries there are yet in practice traditional local systems of helping the other in the case of natural disasters. The transition to... |
Ungerman, Otakar
Myslivcová, Světlana
Model of communication usable for small and medium-sized companies for the consumer communication in social media The subject of this report rests in small and medium companies that use social media for communication with their consumers, which is without a doubt one of the important methods of the current modern marketing communication. Competition keeps growing on the current market,&... |
Kim, Ki-Pyeong
Kim, Yoo-Oh
Lee, Min-Kweon
Myoung-Kil, Youn
The effects of co-brand marketing mix strategies on customer satisfaction, trust and loyality for medium and small traders and manufactures Due to Korea’s recent economic depression, polarised consumption, and intensifying competition, its medium and small traders and manufacturers find it increasingly difficult to compete for sales in the domestic and foreign markets. The reality is that their survival is being threatene... |
Novotný, Josef
Duspiva, Pavel
Faktory ovlivňující kupní chování spotřebitelů a jejich význam pro podniky The article reports the results of research consumers’ behavior and preferences when buying housing supplements, household equipment and preparation of new processed models which identifies the key factors influencing the purchasing behavior of consumers. Nowadays, the purchasing behavior ... |
Mohelská, Hana
Sokolová, Marcela
Effectiveness of using e-learning for business disciplines: the case of introductory Education and development of employees in the traditional sense focus on the formation of working abilities of a person and that part of their personality, through which they create values in order to improve the work performance of individuals, to fulfil their individual... |
Eger, Ludvík
Indruchová, Zuzana
Diversity management: perceptions and attitudes by czech managers Diversity management has become very important and relevant in the field of the human resource development namely after the Czech Republic joined the European Union. Diversity management is based on the strategy of an organization and it is also connected with corporate cult... |
Adamska, Małgorzat
Minárová, Martina
Role of learning organization In building consumer confidence The proof of intellectual capital excellence is the current business practice that requires attention and focus on this kind of capital. The intellectual capital of an organization is the sum total of its human capital, structural capital and relational capital. These assets ... |
Wagner Mainardes, Emerson
Ferreira, João J.
Raposo, Mário L.
Strategy and strategic management concepts: are they recognised by management students? The purpose of this paper is to assess the acquired knowledge of university management students on strategy and strategic management concepts. Phenomenography was used in the analysis and a collective description was conducted. A sample of students taking management degrees at... |
Kloudová, Jitka
Chwaszcz, Ondřej
The analysis of the creative industry linked in connection with the economic development The paper analyses the development of the creative industries in the Czech Republic during the years 1990–2010. The specification of creative industries is undertaken on the basis of the concept of creative economy and is based on the basic classification of the economic... |
Hájek, Ladislav
Režný, Lukáš
20 let vývoje české ekonomiky: srovnání se Slovenskem Since the establishment of two independent republics in 1993 Slovakia has developed compared to the Czech Republic significantly faster pace. During the last 20 years the gross domestic pro- duct (GDP) was increased only by 67.9% in the Czech Republic, while in the Slov... |
Antonová, Barbora
Zapletalová, Šárka
The economic crisis and company management The tourism industry has been considerably affected by the global economic crisis over the most recent years, with its roots identified in the US mortgage market segment. This crisis has caused fluctuations in the markets across all industries, triggering uncertainty in nearly... |
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