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DC poleHodnotaJazyk
dc.contributor.advisorVeverka, Zdeněk
dc.contributor.authorMelichar, Lukáš
dc.contributor.refereeSiebert, Petr
dc.description.abstractVybraným tématem mé bakalářské práce bylo téma individuální. Důvodem tohoto výběru bylo více zabřednutí do problematiky navrhování produktů a jeho následná realizace. Svojí bakalářskou práci jsem stavěl od základu na využití principů technologie zvané: Living hinge. Takto technologie umožňuje tvarování dřevěného masivu bez použití technologicko průmyslových postupů. Tímto lze vytvořit nízkonákladakový produkt s velkým důrazem na jeho estetické kvality.cs
dc.format27 s. (20 698 znaků)cs
dc.publisherZápadočeská univerzita v Plznics
dc.rightsPlný text práce je přístupný bez omezení.cs
dc.subjectdesign nábytkucs
dc.subjectproduktový designcs
dc.subjectbukové dřevocs
dc.titleNávrh designu setu nábytku (kancelářský stůl, židle)cs
dc.title.alternativeFurniture designen
dc.typebakalářská prácecs
dc.thesis.degree-grantorZápadočeská univerzita v Plzni. Fakulta designu a umění Ladislava Sutnaracs
dc.description.abstract-translatedAt our univerzity we usually get two possibilities how to choose topic for final project. The first way how to do that is to choose main topic from univerzity schedule. This schedule is quite the same every single year so that's one of the reason why I haven't been choosen any of them. I didn't like the idea to work on something what doesn't make sence for my goals. I wanted to work on some real project. It was always my dream to design something for TON Czech Republic. It's the biggest czech furniture manufacture and I really appreciate what they actually do. So I got a chance to work with TON Design Lab which was a consultant for my project. We agreed to create some concept prototype which I made by myself. Since last year I have been working on a lightning concept us- ing custom living hinge technology. This technology enable banding wood without using steam or long time technology process. First I've designed prototype of flat light and through this knowledge of tech- nology I developed new approach how to bend wood. That was the major idea for my final project. I've created design set of chair and a table for small offices or dining rooms. I really like the history about Charles and Ray Eames office. Their work inspired me in many cas- es. This project is reflecting their approaches and structures how to make product. Their wisdom "learning by doing" is the best descrip- tion for every single step what i did. I've designed chair called NET because of main aesthetic and funcional detail of all design. The net of cuts enable me to form solid desk of beech wood in critical angles. Main inspiration for my chair was furniture design from 1960' as was Wire chair and Ant chair. The reason was to create aesthetic and comfortable design with easy manufacture. 16 This first protype is real scale model using modern and also traditional woodcraft technology. In my opinion it fits to modern and minimalisthic interiors and as same as Eames furniture, is cheap to manufacture compare with other technologies. Design of the table was designed for modern, small offices or home offices. Actually on market exist home lead businesses which needs to use new kind of furniture. I've designed easthetic design of the table which fits to modern home interiors. This design is us- ing the same detail of groove. Also I was thinking about storage and shelf spaces so I've decide to build these into desk itself. All of these together makes this product unique on the market. For final presentation I've made first protype of chair and visu- alization of the table. Made complete set would be too expensive in this situation. I've sucessfully made the most difficult part so hypo- thetically this project is ready for manufacture.en
dc.subject.translatedfurniture designen
dc.subject.translatedproduct designen
dc.subject.translatedbeech wooden
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KDE)

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