SVK 2016 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Jindřichová, Hana
Chodské lidové písně ve výuce na základních školách The main intention of my contribution is to process the proposal for use of Chod folk songs in teaching at primary schools. The resultant list of the songs will be introduced at the end and it will be my pleasure when it evokes a larger usage of these songs... |
Pilecká, Ilona
Uplatnění sopránové zobcové flétny v hudební výchově na 1. st. ZŠ This contribution concerns the possibilities of the fipple flute application used during the Music lessons in the elementary school. There are also outlined basic methodological aspects of the flute play. And moreover there is a summary of the recent most common textbooks of the... |
Poláková, Romana
Integrace hudební výchovy do vyučovacích předmětů The article deals with theoretical bases of development of younger school age child and investigate the options of teachers work. Integrates musical education, i.e.puts forward concrete activities and teaching methods in all subjects of 3rd year. |
Fleissigová, Lenka
Hudebně dramatizační a výtvarné činnosti s dětmi předškolního věku Conference paper aims to point to the method of experiential learning which develops children´s sensory, emotional perception and verbal or nonverbal communication. In this analysis (creation of the thesis) there is an effort to look up relations between music, art and drama and th... |
Kimmelová, Magdalena
Dětská hudební tvořivost The main purpose of this article is to introdukce and clarify the term: children’s musical kreativity. I am introducing dif ferent approaches of musical education appliable as well in different fields of education.... |
Karasová, Lenka
Pěvecké a hudebně dramatické činnosti dětí předškolního věku The Text of the post is about the connections of music education with the education of drama in preschool education. I'd like to show the possibilities of linking music education with a dramatic, verify their usability in practice and the motivational function of the drama... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikace ZČU / UWB Publications
- Sborníky ZČU / UWB Proceedings
- Sborník SVK: teorie a praxe hudební výchovy dětí předškolního a mladšího školního věku
- 6 2016