Proceedings of the intensive programme 2006 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Mühlbacher, Jan
Nechanický, M.
Novák, P.
Heřman, A.
Impacts of renewable and alternative energy sources on operation and stability of electrical network This paper deals with the evaluation of renewable and alternative energy sources network interconnection and their impacts on the operation and stability of electrical network. The article shows the dependence of the voltage level magnitude in the point of common connection on the ... |
Gerbeth, Anja
Gemende, Bernhard
Pausch, Nicole
Krautheim, Gunter
Bresinsky, Andreas von
Lange, Rüdiger
Adamska, Malgorzata Anna
Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Trocknung von Bakt erienbiomasse |
Pausch, Nicole
Gerbeth, Anja
Gemende, Bernhard
Veit, Michael
Kembolo, Kasela
Bresinsky, Andreas von
Müller, Roland H.
Untersuchungen zum Prozessverhalten eines neuen Verfahrens zur Wasserreinigung in der Intensivfischzucht |
Scheffler, Peter
Linne, Eva Marie
Analyse des regelenergiebedarfs Es wird die prinzipielle Funktionsweise des Regelenergiemarktes erläutert und anschließend der tatsächliche Regelenergiebedarf, insbesondere in Abhängigkeit von der Windeinspeisung analysiert. Dabei ergibt sich kein von der Tageszeit abhängiger Regelleistungsbedarf. Weiterhin übersteigt der Ausgleichsbedarf für... |
Linne, Eva Marie
Schufft, Wolfgang
Analysis of co-generation technologies as potential balancing power supply This paper deals with operation strategies for co-generation plants as balancing power supply. The aim of the paper is to examine the general technical feasibility of cogeneration plants as balancing power supply. Due to the lack of heat demand in summer, cogeneration ... |
Kolcun, Michal
Hlubeň, Daniel
Contemporary state of electricity sector in the Slovak republic and perspectives The paper entitled “Contemporary state of electricity sector in the Slovak Republic and perspectives” deals with energy policy in the Slovak Republic and with changes after the transformation and privatization in the electricity sector in the Slovak Republic. |
Bánes, Miroslav
Kolcunová, Iraida
Geothermal energy for electric power This paper deals with the use of geothermal resources for production of utility-scale electricity, drilling into earth, technologies of changes of geothermal energy into electrical energy, the future of geothermal electricity, and last chapter is conclusion. |
Medveď, Dušan
Hvizdoš, Marek
Micro-hydropower systems This paper deals with the basics of how a micro-hydropower system works and introducing of the principal components of a micro-hydropower system. |
Mészáros, Alexander
An economic evaluation of distributed elecricity generation technologies Distributed generation, the small-scale production of electricity at or near customers' homes and businesses, has the potential to improve the reliability of the power supply, reduce the cost of electricity, and lower emissions of air pollutants. The high price of electricity ... |
Mešter, Marián
Calculation of the fault level contribution of distributed generation to distribution network Paper deals with the calculation of the fault level contribution of distributed generation according to IEC Standard 60909. To illustrate its application, the methodology is applied to a study medium voltage network with a variety of distributed generation resources. |
Tkáč, Ján
Dolník, Bystrik
Kurimský, Juraj
Vilček, Miroslav
Acoustic detection of noise emission from discharge activity in power engineering This article deals with results from analysis of acoustic signal obtained from experiments realized in nonhomogeneous electric field. These signals exist in the form unwanted noise which can be used also for diagnostic purpose. In power engineering this case occure in high v... |
Kanálik, Martin
Kurajda, Marek
Distributed generation and power quality Many involved in power quality have also become involved in distributed generation (DG) because there is considerable overlap in the two technologies. As the name implies, DG uses smaller-sized generators than does the typical central station plant. They are distributed throughout... |
Vargončík, Michal
Chladný, Vladimír
Heat pump and solar energy systems and their combination for heating This paper deals with modern heating sources which we can assign to unconventional sources of energy. Especially describing heat pumps and solar energy systems and their combination for using in establishment. |
Zvolenský, Eduard
Biomass utilization for hydrogen production Renewable biomass and biomass-derived fuels could be readily gasified to produce a hydrogen-rich gas or hydrogen. Among the biomass energy conversion schemes gasification produces a product gas, which based on its properties could be used either to co-produce value-added byproducts or... |
Tkáč, Jan
Dolník, Bystrik
Kurímský, Juraj
Vilček, Miroslav
Varga, Viktor
Discharge activity detection in acoustic band in strong electric field This paper is oriented in the area of analysis of acoustic noise obtained from service of power engineering devices with very strong electromagnetic field. In this case not only operator but also measurement devices need protection. For this purpose optical insulated amplifier... |
Beran, Miloš
Mühlbacher, Jan
Rieger, David
Education and training in nuclear engineering in the Czech republic Although the number of nuclear scientists and technologist may appear to be sufficient today in some countries, there are indicators, e. g. declining university enrollment, changing industry personnel profiles, dilution of university course content, and high retirement expectation, that future ex... |
Noháčová, Lucie
Distributed power systems: the situation of wind power plants in the Czech republic This article presents the current situation of renewable energy resources in the Czech Republic from the point of view of wind power energy and describes some of their technical operation problems. The utilization of renewable energy resources is the priority of the energy industry... |
Škorpil, Jan
Lukášek, Jan
Wind speed energy: speed and unit power wind maps Power levels of new wind power units are increasing and their axes reach heights about 100m over ground with the rotor diameters about 90m for 4MW unit. It is very necessary to know long term average values of the wind speed and others stream relations in these ... |
Bělík, Milan
Škorpil, Jan
Usage of photovoltaic systems issue The use of renewable energy sources is very fashionable nowadays. But is it really the best way to solve the growing lack of energy? Are thermosolar and photovoltaic systems pleasant for our environment? These and similar questions must be seriously examined and the public mus... |
Noháčová, Lucie
Wind power plants in the area of the Czech republic In the Czech Republic there appeared a unique phenomenon in the dynamics of wind energetics development after 1989. This article presents the current situation of distributed power systems in the Czech Republic, especially from the point of view of wind power energy. |
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- Proceedings of the intensive programme
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