Šimek, Václav
Nevoral, Jan
Crha, Adam
Růžička, Richard
Towards design flow for space-efficient implementation of polymorphic circuits based on ambipolar components Main objective of this contribution is to present a unified design flow for an efficient implementation of polymorphic circuits. First of all, it employs an evolutionary inspired techniques that facilitates the creation of multifunctional circuit elements (i.e. logic gates) based on emerging... |
Sovička, Pavel
Pácha, Matěj
Measuring traction power and rolling resistance of model railroad This paper deals with the possibility to utilize methods used for locomotive design, or to determine locomotive performance, and their application in 1:8 scale model railroads. It includes design of a measuring carriage to obtain necessary data, which are analyzed and compared to r... |
Jiřinec, Stanislav
Rot, David
Cold crucible HFG160 The aim of this article is to introduce the newly established laboratory of cold crucible. The laboratory of cold crucible is based on a high-frequency source HFG160 with working chamber and a closed cooling circuit. The devices are installed in the hall F2 in Science and... |
Hornak, Jaroslav
Trnka, Pavel
Konstrukční návrh a realizace diagnostické jednotky pro sledování rozložení prostorového náboje v dielektrických materiálech This paper deals with the space charge phenomenon and its diagnosis in dielectric materials, especially with the development of diagnostic unit for its measurement. Commonly used method based on electro-acoustic pulse (PEA) principle is described in this paper. Considerable attention is devo... |
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- Electroscope
- Ročník 2017
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