Název: The relationship between entrepreneural orientation, entrepreneurial competencies, entrepreneurial leadership, and firm performance: a proposed model
Autoři: Nwachukwu, Chijioke
Chládková, Helena
Žufan, Pavel
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: Trendy v podnikání = Business trends : vědecký časopis Fakulty ekonomické ZČU v Plzni. 2016, č. 4, s. 3-16.
Datum vydání: 2017
Nakladatel: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Typ dokumentu: článek
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/26245
ISSN: 1805-0603
Klíčová slova: podnikatelská orientace;kompetence;vedení lidí;strategický výkon;finanční výkon
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: entrepreneurial orientation;competencies;leadership;strategic performance;financial performance
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: This study develops a conceptual model and propositions for researchers to explore the direct and indirect relationship between entrepreneurial orientation, entrepreneurial competencies, entrepreneurial leadership and firm performance. Authors searched various databases including ProQuest, EBSCOhost databases, Scopus for peer reviewed Journals, books, and other relevant publications on the subject. A conceptual review provides direction for researchers to empirically examine the direct relationships between entrepreneurial orientation (EO), entrepreneurial competencies (EC), and firm performance and the mediating effect of entrepreneurial leadership (EL) in the relationship between EO, EC, and firm performance. We suggest the use of entrepreneurial orientation scale (EOS), The entrecomp framework (2016), Renko et al., 2015 entrepreneurial leadership styles scale (ENTRELEAD), and Santos & Brito (2012) subjective measurement model for firm performance for measurement of the constructs of EO, EC, EL and performance. For researchers and academics, the model provides a basis for further research by testing empirically the validity of the model. Testing of this model could provide a better understanding of the EO, EC constructs that better predicts strategic and financial performance.
Práva: © Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Číslo 1 (2017)
Číslo 1 (2017)
Číslo 1 (2017)

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