WSCG 2014: Communication Papers Proceedings Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Lange, Patrick
Weller, Rene
Zachmann, Gabriel
A framework for wait-free data exchange in massively threaded VR systems A central part of virtual reality systems and game engines is the generation, management and distribution of all relevant world states. In modern interactive graphic software systems usually many independent software components need to communicate and exchange data. Standard approaches... |
Zhang, Fan
Tourre, Vincent
Moreau, Guillaume
Using metrics to evaluate and improve text-based information visualization in 3D urban environment Information visualization is widely involved in our daily life. It develops rapidly in both 2D and 3D environments. In the 3D case, evaluation is a critical problem. Existent evaluation metrics are firstly introduced in this paper. We chose to focus on mathematical metrics... |
Jeon, Seung-Hyuk
Chung, Yun-koo
Yoon, Ho-sub
Estimating the vanishing point of a sidewalk In this paper, we propose an algorithm estimating the vanishing point (VP) of a sidewalk in a man-made environment from a single image. For finding the VP, the lines in an image are efficiently exploited as a clue because the projections of parallel lines in a... |
Ulrich, Christine
Grund, Nico
Derzapf, Evgenij
Lobachev, Oleg
Guthe, Guthe
Parallel iso-surface extraction and simplification When extracting iso-surfaces from large volume data sets, long processing times are required and a high number of polygons is generated. We propose a massively parallel iso-surface extraction and simplification algorithm. The extraction is based on the marching cubes algorithm. In... |
Brener, Nathan
Harhad, Farid
Karki, Bijaya
Benger, Werner
Multi scale color coding of derived curvature and torsion fields on a multi-block curvilinear grid We present a method to compute and visualize the curvature and torsion scalar fields derived from a vector field defined on a multi-block curvilinear grid. In order to compute the curvature and torsion fields, we define a uniform Cartesian grid of points in the vol... |
Walha, Rim
Drira, Fadoua
Alimi, Adel M.
Lebourgeois, Franck
Garcia, Christophe
Histogram of structure tensors: application to pattern clustering Pattern clustering is an important data analysis process useful in a wide spectrum of computer vision applications. In addition to choosing the appropriate clustering methods, particular attention should be paid to the choice of the features describing patterns in order to improv... |
Fens, Pepijn
Funk, Mathias
Personal health data: visualization modalities and their perceived values In this paper we focus on universal human values as defined by Schwartz [Schw92] in the context of visualizing personal health data. Can data visualizations convey human values? We have explored various modalities of presenting health data and found that personal health visu... |
Bernard, Jürgen
Sessler, David
Ruppert, Tobbias
User-based visual-interactive similarity definition for mixed data objects: concept and first implementation The definition of similarity between data objects plays a key role in many analytical systems. The process of similarity definition comprises several challenges as three main problems occur: different stakeholders, mixed data, and changing requirements. Firstly, in many applications the... |
Pulido, R.
Paulano, F.
Jimenéz, Juan J.
Reconstruction & interaction with 3D simplified bone models Visualization and interaction with 3D bone models reconstructed from medical images are fundamental for biomedical applications. They are useful for surgeons in order to diagnose and plan surgical operations. Although traditional reconstruction techniques based on isosurfacing are mainly used... |
Lebiedź, Jacek
Mazikowski, Adam
Innovative solutions for immersive 3D visualization laboratory |
Aristidou, Kalia
Michael, Despina
Towards building a diving simulator for organizing dives in real conditions We present a prototype of a diving simulator system that can be used for organizing dives in real conditions. Our simulator comprises of (a) an accurate visualization of a real wreck site in Mediterranean sea, Zenobia Cyprus, one of the most well-known wrecks worldwide&... |
Peláez, Gustavo
Escalera, Arturo de la
Armingol, Jose
Head pose estimation based on 2D and 3D information A solution for driver monitoring and event detection based on 3D information from a range imaging camera is presented: The system combines 2D and 3D algorithms to provide head pose estimation and regions of interest identification. Starting with the captured cloud of 3D ... |
Son, Jinwon
Choi, Young
Three-dimensional blood vessel modeling method considering IVUS catheter insertion In this paper, we propose a new 3D (three-dimensional) blood vessel modeling method for FSI (fluid-structure interaction) analysis. Because of the nature of medical images, a 3D blood vessel model that includes intima and adventitia cannot be reconstructed using a single medical&... |
Kortelainen, Juha M.
Antila, Kari
Semi-automatic segmentation of prostate by directional search for edge boundaries Semi-automatic segmentation of the prostate boundary is presented for the pre-operational images of the MRIguided ultrasonic thermal therapy of the prostate cancer. The specific deformable surface method is based on firstly fitting an ellipsoid on the given manual landmark points, the... |
Papapavlou, Chris
Moustakas, Konstantinos
Physics-based modelling and animation of saccadic eye movement In this paper we present a new approach in producing realistic saccade eye movement animations by incorporating anatomical details of the oculomotor system into the dynamics of the eye model. Unlike abstract models of the eye motor behaviour, we make use of a biomedical... |
Hwang, Sangchul
Choi, Young
Pose estimation of small-articulated animals using multiple view images The study of robots that mimic the behavior of small animals such as lizards and arthropods has been actively carried out. However, systematic analysis of the gait behavior of small animals is not prevalent in the literature. Motion analysis of most living creatures is&... |
Iwaszenko, Sebastian
Nurzyńska, Karolina
3D visualization of UCG process The paper presents the aspects of 3D graphics utilization in the visualization of underground coal gasification (UCG) process. Data gathered during the process as well as achieved by the mathematical modelling describe a three dimensional structure of the georeactor where the pro... |
Gosseaume, Julien
Kpalma, Kidiyo
Ronsin, Joseph
SAMI: SAliency based metrics of Identification for object concealment evaluation We propose original metrics for estimation of detection and identification of an object in an image. SAMI (SAliency based Metrics of Identification) gives a detection score, called D_score, and an identification score, called I_score, for a Region Of Interest (ROI), basically the... |
Hordemann, Glen
Kwan Lee, Jong
Smith, Andries H.
Accelerated SQLite database using GPUs This paper introduces the development of a new GPU-based database to accelerate data retrieval. The main goal is to explore new ways of handling complex data types and managing data and workloads in massively parallel databases. This paper presents three novel innovations to... |
Guertzenstein Angare, Leandro Martin
Martino, José Mario De
Manipulation of motion capture animation by characteristics Three-dimensional animation is an area in vast expansion due to, continuous research in the field has enabled an increasing number of users access to powerful tools with intuitive interfaces. We present our work-in-progress methodology by which artists can manipulate existing animatio... |
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