Číslo 1-2 (2016) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Franc, Martin
Blahutková, Daniela
Neupauer, Eduard
Hečková, Petra
Výběr literatury ke kulturním dějinám za léta 2014–2016 |
Šimek, Rudolf
Mlynářská symbolika aneb 900 let mlynářského znaku |
Fránová, Radka
Hanzelínová, Lada
Pomocné mezinárodní jazyky The main goal of this study is to explain the historical context of origins and the place of international auxiliary languages among planned, perfect, philosophical, artificial, a priori, created, world, universal, and vehicular (contact) languages. Our contribution shows that although historical... |
Mstowské stodoly – příběh jedné obce† Recently also in the former Eastern Bloc countries started the interdisciplinary research of events from recent past years. In Poland, this procedure was applied in the research of relics of barns in the town Mstów town, where on the southern edge of the town were probabl... |
Straka, Jan
Úsilí převora Heřmana Josefa Tyla o záchranu kláštera v Teplé 1946–1950 The paper focuses on developments in the Premonstratensian monastery in Teplá near Mariánské Lázně in the period after the World War II. This significant West Bohemian monastery had a reputation of a German monastery in the first half of the 20th century. After the War, T... |
Bílková, Jitka
Téma Hirošimy a Nagasaki v literatuře Following text focuses on the literary adaptation of one event of the World War II, that is the atomic bomb literature and its taxonomy. The goal of this text is to present a variability of the topics accented in literature and views on the atomic bomb attack on... |
David, Jaroslav
Davidová Glogarová, Jana
Cestopisy a reportáže ze Sovětského svazu mezi dvěma světovými válkami (1918–1939) The study focuses on Czech travelogues to the Soviet Union between 1918 and 1938. The thematic and motivic analysis of the text is paid attention and not only their similarities, but also differences based on political orientation and personal preferences of their authors are ... |
Tarant, Zbyněk
Řekni, kde ty lágry jsou. . . ? Případové studie nerealizovaných pracovně-výchovných táborů pro ženy v období nacistické okupace† Using previously unpublished documents, this article presents two case studies of the so-called Labour Education Camps for Women (“Arbeitserziehungslager für Frauen”, or FAEL) in the period of the WWII Nazi occupation. These two camps, namely FAEL Biechowitz and FAEL Theresiendorf bei Tschei... |
Havelka, Jiří
Katolické političky v zápase o úloze katolické ženy v moderní občanské společnosti (90. léta 19. století – 1. světová válka)† The article “Catholic women politicians in struggle for new role of Catholic woman in modern civil society (90s of the 19th century – World War 1)” focuses on how social and modernization changes have affected the thinking of two major Catholic women – Augusta Rozsypalová ... |
Vozková, Kristýna
Koncepce poetického rozumu v kontextu filosofického myšlení Maríi Zambrano† The submitted thesis discuss philosophical thinking of María Zambrano. María Zambrano represents an original philosophical system and terminology. A very significant part of her philosophy is the so called poetic reason concept ( la razón poética). This concept is – besides Gasset’s vit... |
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