Články / Articles (CT3) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Vostřák, Marek
Houdková Šimůnková, Šárka
Bystrianský, Martin
Česánek, Zdeněk
Vliv procesních parametrů laserového povlakování na strukturu a odolnost proti abrazivnímu opotřebení povlaku WcNiCrBSi In laser cladding, the final structure of coatings and thus their functional properties are dependent on process parameters used and the initial powder composition. This study focuses on laser cladding of WC-NiCrBSi coatings. As the powder used is a blend of 60% tungsten carbide... |
Kučera, Martin
Martan, Jiří
Franc, Aleš
Časově rozlišené měření teploty při laserovém značení korozivzdorné oceli A new measurement system was developed for time-resolved surface temperature measurement in nanosecond time scale. A study of surface temperatures reached by different parameters of laser marking and their correlation with resulting microstructure, phase composition and corrosion tests performed on... |
Muzika, Lukáš
Švantner, Michal
Kučera, Martin
Lock-in and pulsed thermography for solar cells testing Inspection of solar cells is an important part of their production process, because even their small defects can cause a significant drop of a whole photo-voltaic module performance. LED illuminated lock-in (LEDILIT) and flash-pulse (FPT) thermographic techniques were compared in this study.... |
Martan, Jiří
Tesař, Jiří
Kučera, Martin
Honnerová, Petra
Benešová, Martina
Honner, Milan
Analysis of short wavelength infrared radiation during laser welding of plastics In this article, a new measurement system and a new approach in calculation for infrared (IR) radiation investigation in quasi-simultaneous transmission laser welding of plastics are presented. The measurement system is based on a MW/SWIR (medium-wave/short-wave infrared) camera and optical&... |