Roč. 2, č. 2 (2012) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Louč, Michal
Call for papers - III. vědecká konference COHA |
Hudecová, Dagmar
HUDECOVÁ, Dagmar - TRÜTZSCHLER v. FALKENSTEIN, Eugenie. Každodennost na hranicích mezi NDR a ČSSR 1960: - 1989: Sborník závěrečných prací projektu. B. m. v., 2012. |
Morávková, Naděžda
ŘEHÁČEK, Karel. Plzeň v národním shromáždění v letech: 1918-1939: Portréty plzeňských poslanců a senátorů. Plzeň, 2012. 117 s. ISBN 978-80-260-2464-4. |
Skalová, Veronika
Tábory nucených prací při uranových dolech v Příbrami The author handles the issue of forced labour camps in Czechoslovakia in the post-February times as an example associated with uranium mining, grounding especially the Jachymov and Pribram. In addition to archival materials and literature she the author uses memory from con... |
Východská, Helena
Iniciační rituál - téma historické či etnologické? This essay describes the categorization and different viewpoints of research and understanding of the initiation rituals. Author’s main aim is to depict the interdisciplinary conception of this issue which forms and also fades away the line between history of sanctity and e... |
Mücke, Pavel
Spříznění (s) orální historií aneb Malá biografická skica This article tries to conclude the contours of profesional life of Donald A. Ritchie (historian in U. S. Senate) and life of his spouse, Anne G. Ritchie (historian and archivist in National Gallery in Washington). Because these scholars were (and still are) very engaged in... |
Morávková, Naděžda
K některým problémům využití orální historie ve výuce This paper deals with the ethical aspects of oral history methods in teaching at school. The author based on his experience and knowledge of the team of colleagues from the Center for Oral History, Department of History, University of the West Bohemia points out some of... |
Hlaváček, Jiří
Kolektivní paměť a orální historie ve výzkumu soudobých dějin The goal of the following essay is to show possibilities and limits of an oral history research of collective memory in the field of contemporary history. The main focus is concentrated onto on the dilemma of shaping, selection and reinterpretation of memories in ... |
Grulich, Vladimír
Manželství u beduínských kmenů Rualů The work article aims to describe the basic characteristics for of marriage at Rual Bedouin tribe. This text describes - how to the selection of a bride brideby a groom, wedding, poetry, divorce and other significant circumstances associated with this topic. The princi... |
Morávková, Naděžda
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