ISVK FPE 2018 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Havránková, Tereza
Efektivní nástroje pro formát výuky převrácená třída v hodinách angličtiny The text is aimed at flipped learning and the implementation in the English language classroom. The first part presents the definition of flipped learning and the outcomes of recent studies. The second part is focused on different tools and applications that help to achieve an... |
Lomička, Zdeněk
Desková hra jako základ pro projektový den na podporu technických a sociálních dovedností The article describes the use of board game principles during the preparation of the project day for pupils of the second grade of elementary schools and students of secondary schools. It illustrates how to support the development of technical and social skills of participants ... |
Frank, Filip
Výuka informatiky a podpora informatického myšlení pomocí legorobotů na gymnáziích The paper deals with the teaching of computer science and the possibility of support of computational thinking by usage of legorobots at high schools. It deals with the definition of computational thinking and the ways for its support. The paper explains the term "legorobot&qu... |
Frank, Jan
Využití počítačové simulace v řešení vybraných Appoloniových a Pappových úloh The software of dynamic geometry GeoGebra is an ideal means of using cognitive technology in mathematics lessons at elementary and secondary schools. Teachers can use the research approach to teaching and can solve classical mathematical problems in an innovative way using modern comput... |
Grolmus, Petr
Rohlíková, Lucie
Learning analytics na ZČU - první přístup The focus of this paper is the first look and interpretation of learning analytics data from learning management system (LMS) at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (UWB). We claim that there are three types of granuality of LMS data. The first type is top-level ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikace ZČU / UWB Publications
- Sborníky ZČU / UWB Proceedings