Název: Farebné zmeny a výučba chémie
Colour changes and chemical education
Autoři: Melicherčíková, Danica
Bellová, Renata
Tomčík, Peter
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: Arnica: časopis pro rozvoj přírodovědného vzdělávání. 2017, č. 1-2, s. 1-10.
Datum vydání: 2017
Nakladatel: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, Fakulta pedagogická
Typ dokumentu: článek
URI: https://www.arnica.zcu.cz/images/casopis/2017/clanky/Arnika_2017_1-2_1-Melichercikova-web.pdf
ISSN: 1804-8366
Klíčová slova: barevné změny;experimenty;výuka chemie;mushrooms;practical activities
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: colour changes;experiments;chemistry teaching
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: Continuously decreasing level of scientific literacy of 15 ­year ­old students in Slovak Republic and in some OECD countries, according to international PISA testing, needs some changes in the education process. A principal change is required to involve students more in education and shift from passive to active education. This strategy is in agreement with our method proposed in this paper. Topics of the students’ projects usually represent additional topics, which extend curriculum. They often include some new or unknown information for those, who solve the projects but also for their teachers. There is also lack of instructions to solve the project. The main theme of our projects is the light. This theme is consistent with UN call for year 2015 to focus it to the light and light based technologies. We have developed 8 themes based on colour changes induced by different influences (health, structure, concentration and reactions, light, heat, indicators). We have focused on curriculum of this themes to support chemical education, chemical literacy and allowed global view to colour changes in a life and in the nature. We focused in our research on attractiveness of topic title to respondents. They should choose three themes by their interest. In next stage they were provided with abstracts for each theme. We were interested if respondents change their attitude after they receive abstracts. In both cases the main interest was focused on the themes about colour changes in a human life (at hands, skin). More significant changes were observed in themes connected to colour changes in science (caused by structure, concentration, light, heat source or mutual reaction). The respondents stated that abstracts increased their interest in chosen themes. We detected also the increase of attention during the presentations of all projects, which leads to better scientific literacy. The main result of our research is that it is useful to provide also the theme abstracts (best as printed) for student projects, which should increase the chemical or even science literacy. The abstracts are then always available for investigator as well as for other students.
Reagovali sme na výzvu OSN, aby rok 2015 bol venovaný svetlu a technológiám založených na svetle. Zostavili sme 8 tém o farebných zmenách látok vyvolaných rôznymi faktormi (zdravotnými, štruktúrou, koncentráciou a vzájomnou reakciou látok, svetlom, teplom, indikátormi). Sledovali sme, aby obsahové zameranie tém podporilo chemické vzdelávanie. Za účelom zvýšenia aktivity žiakov na vzdelávaní sme navrhli témy realizovať prostredníctvom projektov. Zaujímalo nás, či je rozdiel v motivácii žiakov o danú tému, keď sú pri zadaní témy poskytnuté učiteľom informácie o zameraní projektu ústne alebo písomne. Návrhy tém sme inovatívne doplnili abstraktmi. V texte poskytujeme výsledky prieskumu, v ktorom sme zisťovali, či písomná forma abstraktov zvyšuje záujem o riešenie navrhnutých tém. Venujeme priestor aj vyjadreniam študentov učiteľstva chémie o vplyve obsahového zamerania tém a poskytnutia abstraktov na kvalitu všestranného rozvoja chemickej vzdelanosti, prírodovednej gramotnosti. V závere konštatujeme, že pri zadávaní tém riešených projektmi je potrebné predkladať obsahové zameranie (abstrakty) tém písomnou formou v záujme zvýšenia motivácie žiakov na cielené sledovanie poskytovaných informácií v jednotlivých projektoch.
Práva: © Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, Fakulta pedagogická
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Číslo 1-2 (2017)
Číslo 1-2 (2017)

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