Soutěžní přehlídka studentských a doktorských prací FST 2019 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Švagr, Marcel
Dynamic properties of ram: modall test result & correlating simulation This work deals with dynamic properties of a ram of gantry machine tool from firm TYC Strojírny s.r.o. Respectively by casting of the ram determining its own nature frequencies and its own waveforms. The work contains experimental measurement and its results, and transferring this&... |
Novikov, Konstantin
Mixed reality in maintenance We can see changes in technological, socioeconomic and cultural features caused by industrial revolutions. Among the technological features belongs also maintenance management. The approach towards equipment maintenance has changed throughout the revolutions from reactive towards predictive. Instead of fix... |
Muzika, Lukáš
Švantner, Michal
Thermal tomography based on time transformation The contribution describes a new algorithm of thermographic evaluation of pulse thermography. The principle is in a time transformation of a thermographic sequence. The technique provides result in one image instead of series of images as standard algorithms do (FFT, TSR, derivation). T... |
Marek, Václav
Thermal deformations of milling center The article is focused on the thermal behaviour of a spindle of a milling centre. This is a typical problem of high precision machines, which produce heat as a negative implication of the produce activity. Thermal loading influents productivity and precision of a milling centr... |
Krejčí, Miroslav
Overview of materials and fluoride salts used in molten salt reactors The purpose of this work is to explain the choice of materials and fluoride salts for Molten Salt Reactors. The article describes the problem of corrosion in these reactors and the possibilities of its mitigation. There are usable materials for MSR and their cover layer s... |
Klimko, Marek
Experimental research of turbine flow path The paper describes the research activities on the VT-400 test air turbine. Device VT-400 is part of the experimental research on Power System Engineering Department. The paper provides basic information about the current state of the test rig, describes the used measurement techniques&... |
Kába, Martin
Ergonomics of running and trekking poles The main goal of this work is to analyze ergonomic models of cross-country and trekking poles and to present suggestions for improvement of existing parameters. The aim is to maximize comfort while eliminating adverse effects on users. Partial goals of the work are as follows:... |
Janoušek, Jaromír
Environmentally assisted cracking of 316L austenitic stainless steel in a hydrogenated steam environment A low pressure superheated hydrogen steam system has been used to accelerate the oxidation kinetics while keeping the electrochemical conditions similar to those of the primary water in a pressurized water reactor. A special corrosion apparatus was built in cooperation with University o... |
Hronek, Ondřej
Influence of the variable cutting tool geometry on durability when milling Inconel 718 The paper is focused on cutting tool testing. The cutting tools have a different helix and rake angle in the groove. The main comparative parameter was the cutting tool durability, which was evaluated by wear on the flank surface of cutting edge. The limit cutting tool... |
Florian, Pavel
Simulation method of A-pillar trim airbag test In this paper a new simulation method of Airbag test is introduced. The method is aimed at validation of A-Pillar trim. The FE simulation is based on explicit solver using Abaqus software. Thanks to the simulation potential problems were discovered and non-beneficial design variant... |
Farský, Jindřich
Grinding Inconel 718 using a galvanic grinding wheel This work is focused on grinding Inconel 718, which belongs to the group of hard-to-machine materials. The aim of this work was to verify a galvanic grinding wheel when the surface roughness was the main criterion. This type of grinding wheel will be used for grinding... |
Bricín, David
Is it possible to process sintered carbides by selective laser melting technology? The aim of this article is to introduce to the reader problems which is connected with processing of WC-Co composite material by the technology known as SLM (Selective Laser Melting Technology). The biggest problem associated with the material processing process is the porosity of&... |
Zdichynec, Vojtěch
Metodika zpracovní STL modelu turbínové lopatky |
Vrtáček, Jiří
Vývoj nástroje pro tepelně-mechanické zpracování plechů z vysokopevných ocelí |
Nekut, Karel
Návrh testovací stolice pro optimalizaci sacího bodu oleje spalovacích motorů |
Kosť, Tom
Konstrukční řešení dvousloupového kovacího lisu s ohledem na zvýšení boční tuhosti |
Ježek, Adam
Analýza konstrukce stojanu kovacího lisu s ohledem na šířku pracovního prostoru |
Hladký, Kristián Dominik
Hodnocení produktu pomocí indexů způsobilosti procesu |
Hamrle, Pavel
Konstrukční návrh "low-cost" multifunkčního CNC výrobního stroje |
Hamberger, Adam
Konstrukce a technologie výroby zařízení pro měření výkonových charakteristik motocyklu |
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