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DC poleHodnotaJazyk
dc.contributor.authorKlimentovna, Kirushina Aida
dc.identifier.citationHONZÍKOVÁ, Jarmila, ed.,; SIMBARTL, Petr, ed. Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2019: sborník abstraktů z mezinárodní studentské odborné konference: 21.5.–22.5. 2019 Moving Station Pilsen. 1. vyd. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2019, s. 30-31. ISBN 978-80-261-0872-6.cs
dc.format2 s.cs
dc.publisherZápadočeská univerzita v Plznics
dc.rights© Západočeská univerzita v Plznics
dc.subjectmultimediální technologiecs
dc.subjectvýuka cizích jazykůcs
dc.subjectFSES OOcs
dc.subjectotevřené vzdělávací strojecs
dc.subjectjazyk TEDcs
dc.titleImplementation of multimedia technology in foreign language teachingen
dc.title.alternativePrimenenie mul´timedijnych technologij v prepodavanii inostrannogo jazykaru
dc.typekonferenční příspěvekcs
dc.description.abstract-translatedThe dynamics of modern society development requires the use of information technology in many areas of human activity, including the field of education. Multimedia technologies in foreign language teaching provide creative, active acquisition of language; improve the quality and effectiveness of the learning process. This aspect is considered to be rather developed area in foreign languages teaching methodology. Most widely known are the works of such authors as Tony Erben “Teaching English Languages through technology” [2009], Karamysheva T.V. “Studying a foreign language using a computer” [2001], The study explores the use of multimedia technology as a pedagogical tool to aid in the appropriate instruction of English language learners. It aims to create in the classroom conditions close to natural language environment. Furthermore, it allows teachers to develop simultaneously all four foundational skills of students, as well as take into account their learning styles and thereby increase the effectiveness of foreign language learning. This article reports the possibility of using the modern open educational resource TED (TEDx, ted ed) in foreign language lessons. TED (technology, entertainment, design) is a project funded by a nonprofit Association of the United States, which aims to organize intellectual conferences around the world. Lectures are freely available for viewing on the Internet. The paper proposes a sequence of exercises in accordance with the structure of the lesson suggested in FSES OO. In the process of working on this paper, such methods of scientific and pedagogical research as studying literature, analysis, synthesis, and questionnaire were used. The main outcome of this article is that the implementation of multimedia technologies in foreign language teaching enhances student learning motivation, provides access to non-traditional sources of information, and also forms students' personal, subject and meta-subject competenciesen
dc.description.abstract-translatedDinamika razvitiya sovremennogo obshchestva trebuyet primeneniya informatsionnykh tekhnologiy vo mnogikh sferakh deyatel'nosti cheloveka, v tom chisle i v sfere obrazovaniya. Primeneniye mul'timediynykh tekhnologiy v obrazovanii obespechivayut tvorcheskoye, aktivnoye ovladeniye predmetom, povyshayet kachestvo i rezul'tativnost' usvoyeniya izuchayemogo materiala. Krome togo, ispol'zovaniye mul'timediynykh tekhnologiy v protsesse prepodavaniya inostrannogo yazyka pozvolyayet pri otsutstvii na urokakh yestestvennoy yazykovoy sredy sozdat' usloviya, maksimal'no priblizhennyye k real'nym. Aktual'nost' dannogo issledovaniya obespechivayetsya tem, chto primeneniye mul'timediynykh tekhnologiy v obrazovanii pozvolyayet uchitelyu razvivat' u uchashchikhsya odnovremenno vsekh chetyrekh vidov rechevoy deyatel'nosti, a takzhe maksimal'no uchityvat' urovni i stili obucheniya uchashchikhsya i tem samym povysit' effektivnost' izucheniya inostrannogo yazyka. V dannoy stat'ye rassmatrivayetsya vozmozhnosti primeneniya na urokakh inostrannogo yazyka sovremennogo otkrytogo obrazovatel'nogo resursa TED (tedx, ted ed). TED talks– eto proyekt, osnovannyy nekommercheskim ob"yedineniyem SSHA, osnovnoy tsel'yu kotorogo yavlyayetsya organizatsiya intellektual'nykh konferentsiy po vsemu miru. V stat'ye predlagayetsya primernaya posledovatel'nost' uprazhneniy v sootvetstvii so strukturoy uroka po FGOOS OO. V protsesse raboty byli ispol'zovany takiye metody nauchno-pedagogicheskogo issledovaniya, kak izucheniye literatury i rezul'tatov deyatel'nosti, analiz, sintez i anketirovaniye. Rezul'tatom dannoy raboty yavlyayetsya to, chto ispol'zovaniye mul'timediynykh tekhnologiy v prepodavanii inostrannogo yazyka povyshayet u uchashchikhsya motivatsiyu, obespechivayet dostup k netraditsionnym istochnikam informatsii, a takzhe formiruyet lichnostnyye, predmetnyye i metapredmetnyye kompetentsii obuchayushchikhsya.ru
dc.subject.translatedmultimedia technologyen
dc.subject.translatedforeign languages teachingen
dc.subject.translatedFSES OOen
dc.subject.translatedopen educational resourcesen
dc.subject.translatedTED talksen
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2019
Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2019

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