Title: Habsburkové v barokním Chebu. Pobyty členů panující dynastie v nejzápadnější části českých zemí
Authors: Hrbek, Jiří
Citation: Bohemiae occidentalis historica: odborný časopis pro české dějiny s důrazem na západní Čechy a s přesahy do příhraničních regionů, zvláště do Bavorska. 2018, roč. 4, č. 2.
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: viaCentrum
Document type: článek
URI: https://fpe.zcu.cz/export/sites/fpe/khi/Dokumenty/BOH/BOH_2_2018.pdf
ISSN: 2336-7547
Keywords: královské výlety;Habsburkové;zastupitelstvo;historie Chebu;17. století;18. století
Keywords in different language: royal trips;Habsburgs;town representation;the history of Cheb;17th and 18th centuries
Abstract in different language: The article is concerned with three trips, which the members of the Habsburg family took to the westernmost regions of the Czech Lands, i.e. the Cheb region in the course of 17th and 18th centuries. The importance of Cheb in the early Modern Times was largely strategic, so the Habsburgs visited it mostly for military reasons: in 1647, Ferdinand III appeared in the surroundings of the town, heading the Imperial Army in order to liberate Cheb from the Swedish grip. In 1673, Leopold I arrived there to stage a military parade of the Imperial Army on its way to the Holy Roman Empire against France and in 1702, the future Emperor Archduke Joseph I passed through the town on his way to the Rhineland Landau fortress and stopped there also on his return journey. All of the mentioned visits to Cheb and its region had other goals, too: for example, a diplomatic meeting with the Elector of Saxony Johann Georg II in 1673, while other visits included spa treatments or hunting in the town surroundings.
Rights: © viaCentrum
Appears in Collections:Číslo 2 (2018)
Číslo 2 (2018)

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