Název: | Přehled a hodnocení diplomových prací se zaměřením na dějiny kultury |
Autoři: | Mušková, Eva |
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: | BREITFELDER, Miroslav (red.). Dějepis XXIII: sborník katedry historie: napsán a sestaven k šedesátým narozeninám katedry1948 – 2008. Vyd. 1. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, Fakulta pedagogická, Katedra historie, 2008, s. 119-130. ISBN 978-80-7043-759-9. |
Datum vydání: | 2008 |
Nakladatel: | Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, Fakulta pedagogická, Katedra historie |
Typ dokumentu: | konferenční příspěvek conferenceObject |
URI: | http://fpe.zcu.cz/khi/Dokumenty/Sborniky/SbornkXXIII.pdf http://hdl.handle.net/11025/35818 |
ISBN: | 978-80-7043-759-9 |
Klíčová slova: | diplomové práce dějiny kultury hodnocení |
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: | thesis cultural history evaluation |
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: | The main goal of the report is to review diploma works dealing with history of culture that were written during the existence of history department fromits foundation almou sixty years ago till the year 2007. The pursued and analysed diploma works focused mainly on cultural sights and heritage of historical architecture. Their authors concentrated attention before all to the historic background and development of particular architectural monuments and antiquities. Much effort was dedicated also to creators of the followed monuments (mostly famous artists, architects, painters, sculptors etc.) Naturally the main attention was paid to cultural sights in West Bohemia, especially in the region of Pilsen and in particular local districts (microrgions). Authors of diploma works have followed a wide range of topics, among them religious architecture, cultural development of Pilsen and other West Bohemia major tors, folk, folk architecture, monasteries, medieval castles and fortresses, Chateaux and manor houses, variol memoriam and also sights of certain art style as well cultural contribution of aristocracy or particular artistic persons to the cultural development of the region. Most of these works were guided and supervised by Jana Janusová, Tomáš Jílek or Jan Kumpera. The presented report brings the complete survey and informative summary of all diploma works, dedicated to the regional cultural history.Their analysis enabled to point out the most interesting results and differences in quality as well. This analytical report informs the academic public and also the potential student authors of future diploma works about the studens´ research and cultural historical topics, done until now at history department. |
Práva: | © Západočeská univerzita v Plzni |
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích: | Dějepis XXIII Konferenční příspěvky / Conference papers (KHI) Dějepis XXIII |
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