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Myslivcová, Světlana
Maršíková, Kateřina
How to Recruit Employees: Application of Selected Personnel Marketing Tolls in Regions of the Czech Republic and Germany It is important for today's organisations to attract and retain talented employees. Especially in case of the low unemployment, there is a big fight for talents among companies. It is therefore advantageous if the company knows and uses tools of personnel marketing. The perceiv... |
Stros, Michael
Möslein-Tröppner, Bodo
Říha, David
Consumers´ Cross-Border Shopping Behaviour in the City of Konstanz A significant and sudden change in the Swiss franc exchange rate has led to a sharp rise in cross-border shopping in German border towns. For German businesses, the appearance of massive streams of visitors from their neighbouring country is a gratifying and highly lucrative d... |
Pelloneová, Natalie
Komparativní studie mezinárodních civilních letišť v České republice The present paper deals with an assessment of the performance of Czech’s 7 international airports in terms of their technical efficiency. This paper aims to assess the efficiency of 7 selected airports in Czech Republic using the DEA method and Malmquist index. The data are... |
Kubíček, Aleš
Multirodinná firma – forma podnikání nebo přechodná fáze rodinné firmy? The aim of this paper is to introduce and classify a multifamily firm, a business controlled and managed by two or more families without blood or marriage ties. Based on the existing family business theory and the literature review on this emerging topic, we define a ... |
Halová, Dagmar
Müller, Michal
Perspektiva generace Z na českém trhu práce We occur at a period, when in comparison with past, there is most of members of different generations present at the same moment on the same workplace. Currently, generation Z is about to join them. The oldest members of generation Z have entered labour market already,... |
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