Název: Investigation of Surface Roughness and Predictive Modelling of Machining Stellite 6
Další názvy: Zkoumání povrchové drsnosti a prediktivního modelování obráběcího stellitu 6
Autoři: Valíček, Jan
Řehoř, Jan
Harničárová, Marta
Gombár, Miroslav
Kušnerová, Milena
Fulemová, Jaroslava
Vagaská, Alena
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: VALÍČEK, J. ., ŘEHOŘ, J. ., HARNIČÁROVÁ, M. ., GOMBÁR, M. ., KUŠNEROVÁ, M. ., FULEMOVÁ, J. ., VAGASKÁ, A. . Investigation of Surface Roughness and Predictive Modelling of Machining Stellite 6. Materials, 2019, roč. 12, č. 16. ISSN 2075-4701.
Datum vydání: 2019
Nakladatel: MDPI
Typ dokumentu: článek
URI: 2-s2.0-85070565081
ISSN: 2075-4701
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: Stellite 6;longitudinal turning;prediction of topographic parameters;surface roughness
Abstrakt: The aim of the paper was to examine the influence of cutting conditions on the roughness of surfaces machined by longitudinal turning, namely of surfaces coated with Stellite 6 prepared by high-velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) technology and applied onto a standard structural steel substrate. From the results of measurements of the cutting parameters, a prediction model of the roughness parameters was created using mathematical and statistical methods. Based on a more detailed analysis and data comparison, a new method for prediction of parameters of longitudinal turning technology was obtained. The main aim of the paper was to identify the mutual discrete relationships between the substrate roughness and the machining parameters. These were the feed rate vc (mmin1), in the case of turning and milling, and the feed rate f (mmrev1) and the depth of cut ap (mm). The paper compared and verified two approaches of this method, namely the mathematical statistical approach, the analytical approach and measured dates. From the evaluated and interpreted results, new equations were formulated, enabling prediction of the material parameters of the workpiece, the technological parameters and the parameters of surface quality.
Práva: © MDPI
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Konferenční příspěvky / Conference Papers (RTI)

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