Název: Do European tourists intend to revisit the same countries? Effect of satisfaction in European Union destinations
Autoři: Štumpf, Petr
Vojtko, Viktor
Janeček, Petr
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: ŠTUMPF, P., VOJTKO, V., JANEČEK, P. Do European tourists intend to revisit the same countries? Effect of satisfaction in European Union destinations. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 2020, roč. 20, č. 4, s. 398-417. ISSN 1502-2250.
Datum vydání: 2020
Nakladatel: Routledge
Typ dokumentu: článek
URI: 2-s2.0-85089552752
ISSN: 1502-2250
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: Tourism;Satisfaction;European Union;Destination loyalty;Revisit intention
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: A high level of tourist satisfaction is one of the most common goals of sustainable tourist destinations. The general assumption is that a higher level of tourist satisfaction leads to higher tourist loyalty to destinations and, furthermore, increases revisits. This paper examines the relationships of how satisfaction, as well as the demographic, motivational, and behavioural characteristics of tourists, affect the intention to return for the main holiday to the same European Union (EU) country in the following year. We used the generalized linear model (GLM) with binomial logit link functions to reveal these relationships. The results show that satisfaction with the quality of accommodation plays an important role when EU citizens make decisions to revisit the same country. However, tourists’ motivation, age, travel distance, and country of origin influence the intention to revisit within the EU more significantly than the satisfaction attributes.
Práva: Plný text není přístupný.
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