Orientalia antiqua nova XX (2020) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Větrovec, Lukáš
Jedinost Boží a přidružování k Bohu jako etické kategorie koránského textu This article is a contribution to sciences of Qur’anic semantics. It is an attempt to answer the questions about relations between theological doctrines, morality, and religious pluralism. Why Islam reserves ultimate truth just for itself? Could religious “others” reach salvation in t... |
Větrovec, Lukáš
Křivda nesmírná aneb přidružování k Bohu jako etický problém v islámské interpretativní tradici Bearing in mind common ground between Qur’anic denotations of injustice and polytheism, Qur’an explicitely claims polytheism to be “a grave injustice” (31:13). This article elaborates how and why could a religious doctrine be reflected in ethical cathegories in traditional Sunni scholarship.... |
Šašková, Kateřina
Hebrejci v Asýrii v 8. a 7. století př. n. l. Assyrian sources provide a relatively large amount of references to the people living in Assyria and bearing the name of Hebrew (or probably Hebrew) origin. Some other persons are directly said to come from Israel or Judah. The following study attempts to identify these ... |
Schneider, Filip
Byzantské vnímanie Jeruzalema v období neskorej antiky Aelia Capitolina was an insignificant city in Roman perception; however, Christians saw it as the site of memory where Christ died, was buried, and came back from the dead. Through the various media such as the scriptures, Jerusalem had a symbolic significance for them. ... |
Retka, Tomáš
Národnostní politika v Sovětském svazu na příkladu Střední Asie The concept of national policy in the Soviet Union represents an interesting phenomenon. The Soviet Union was an ethnically very heterogeneous state, within which it was necessary to systematically conceive the position and relations between the individual ethnic groups. The aim... |
Pata, Jan
Přínos studia neliterární řečtiny Koiné k řešení otázky vzniku evangelií The contribution of the study of the non-literary Greek Koine to the solution of the question of the origin of the Gospels. The article deals with the question of the relation of the Greek canonical gospels to ordinary non-literary Greek at the time of their origin. ... |
Ondříčková, Marie
Historie loutny s dlouhým krkem a její stopy na Blízkém východě This article is about the long neck lute type and it monitors its development which is very complicated, because as it seems, it could have more answers in this problem. And then there are introduced 3 theories about this string musical instrument. It was introduced in... |
Mrvová, Petra
Bájné bytosti achajmenovského umění a úskalí jejich terminologie The Achaemenid Empire is known for its greatness, fierce campaigns and the story of its destruction brought by Alexander the Great. Nevertheless, the Achaemenid Empire left marvellous pieces of art, both monumental and small-scale one. The iconography of various artefacts includes... |
Moulis, David Rafael
Pelištejská keramika, architektura a kult pod vlivem Egeidy a Levanty The collapse of a number of state systems at the end of the Late Bronze Age sparked the movement the “Sea People” from the Mediterranean to its eastern part where Canaan was located. The Philistines took advantage of the weakness of their newly acquired area and they ... |
Maršálek, Jakub
Voda a strava: rozličné příčiny neolitických migrací z oblasti Centrální planiny In my article, I consider possible causes of two dispersals of Neolithic elements out of the so-called Central Plain in the middle reaches of the Yellow River. Both episodes under consideration were associated with spread of a broader package of cultural elements, and it is therefo... |
Liščák, Vladimír
Gog a Magog a středověké představy o posledním soudu v Katalánském atlase (1375) One of the most striking illustrations of the Catalan atlas, a Medieval world map or mappamundi created ca 1375, is the idea of the end of the world or the last judgment, placed on sheets 6a and 6b, i.e. in the region of Asia. The focus of this essay is... |
Klapetek, Martin
Náhrobky na odděleních pro muslimy Ústředního hřbitova ve Vídni The text presents research of the Vienna Central Cemetery. Attention is paid to the form of the gravestones. The Muslim sections at the cemetery appear to spread from the edge to the centre of the cemetery, which makes the gravestones more visible to ordinary visitors. Gr... |
Hennlichová, Marcela
Britsko-francouzské soupeření o Maroko (1900–1904) a finanční aspekt intervencionismu This article deals with the Anglo-French rivalry for Morocco at the turn of the 19th and 20th century. Its aim is to find out whether it was the general policy or the mechanisms of the financial interventionism which pawed the way to the French domination and assiste... |
Havlík, Jakub
Podoby urbanismu v achaimenovské a helénistické Baktrii: Pohled archeologie Despite the recently growing interest in the phenomenon of a city and its imprints in archaeological record, the appearance of urban form in the Achaemenid and Hellenistic period in Central Asia has been studied only insufficiently. The aim of the contribution is the evaluation... |
Čech, Pavel
Antiqua Ugaritica Nova 8: Cherchez la femme! Ugaritic politics at the very end of the Bronze Age was not monolithic. It is assumed that even the famous poet and scribe Ilimilku, with his relatively radical work, pursued a real political goal, i.e., the encouragement of the feminine element in the Ugaritic internal ... |
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