Nestandardní bezpečnostní situace: ústavní, mezinárodní a evropský pohled
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Knödlová, Lucie
Radiační havárie jaderné elektrárny v České republice This work is about dealing with an emergency security situation which represents a nuclear accident of the nuclear power plant Temelín. In the introduction The work focuses on the concept of radiation accident and deals with its causes and conseque... |
Pauly, Michael
Rozhodnutí Rady EU – žaloba České republiky ve světle rozhodnutí o relokaci a žaloby s ním související First of all, the thesis provides a general analysis of EU Council Decisions no. 2015/1523 and no. 2015/1601, which were accepted with the goals of solving the migration crisis, establoshing relocation quotas and tackling asylum seekers, who were ap... |
Potužák, David
Reforma společného evropského azylového systému – nařízení Dublin IV The thesis is analyzed in the context of the planned reform of the Common European Asylum System. First, the reform and its planned phases are explained in more detail. The procedure for determining the relevant Member State of the Union for th... |
Fischerová, Eliška
Prověřování přímých zahraničních investic směřujících do Evropské unie The new legal regulation included in the regulation (EU) 2019/452 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 March 2019 establishes a framework for the screening of foreign direct investments from the third countries into the Union on the ground... |
Urban, Michael
Nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady č. 230/2014 This article will introduce you to the Regulation (EU) No 230/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council, which deals with the Union law “an instrument contributing to stability and peace.” This article breaks down both the theoretical basis... |
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