Název: Running activity, preparation and participation in marathon runs by amateurs between the age of 42-51 – a case study
Autoři: Chryszyk, Katarzyna
Mirek, Waclaw
Mirek, Katarzyna
Ozimek, Mariusz
Čepička, Ladislav
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: CHRYSZYK, K. MIREK, W. MIREK, K. OZIMEK, M. ČEPIČKA, L. Running activity, preparation and participation in marathon runs by amateurs between the age of 42-51 – a case study. Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 2021, roč. 31, č. 96, s. 25-33. ISSN: 1731-0652
Datum vydání: 2021
Nakladatel: University of Physical Education in Krakow
Typ dokumentu: článek
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/47289
ISSN: 1731-0652
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: masters runner;marathon;activity
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: Aim. In the research, we looked for the relationship between the level of training activity and aerobic capacity as well as the result in the marathon run by an amateur aged 42-51. Materials and Methods. A progressive test was used to determine the threshold speed and load of the training activity. A 10- year period was analysed among amateur runners between the age of 42 and 51. The annual and DSP (Direct Start Preparation) training activity loads were determined. The strength of the relationship between the applied load of training activity and the result in the marathon was assessed, as well as the effectiveness of forecasting the result in the marathon. Results. An average annual volume over 2,500 km (194 hours) was found. During the DSP period, there was definitely an increase in workload. On average, in the DSP, the sub-threshold, threshold and supra-threshold measures constituted 65.7%- 19.4%-14.9%, respectively. A strong correlation was found between the result in the marathon and the annual volume, as well as the supra-threshold measures. Conclusions. The examined person presented a high level of activity, which allowed to maintain a high and stable level in the marathon and a high level of efficiency expressed by the VO2max indicator. The high assessment of the progressive test in estimating the result in the marathon was confirmed.
Práva: © authors
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