Orientalia antiqua nova XXII (2022) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Havlík, Jakub
Dědková, Vendula
Systematický průzkum středního povodí Surchandarji (jižní Uzbekistán): Lokalita Bajtepa IV, vybrané nálezy In October 2021 a new terrain project of the Czech-Uzbekistani Archaeological Expedition was launched focusing on the settlement development and past landscape use of the middle Surkhan Darya basin (southern Uzbekistan). To investigate the hypothetical economic territory of the walled settlement&... |
Maršálek, Jakub
K obchodu na čínském severozápadě v neolitu a době bronzové The northwestern China, encompassing modern provinces of Gansu and Qinghai, was in the historical periods a hub of long-distance trade connecting centers of Chinese polities with Central Asia and the Near East. The northwestern region started to fulfill this role as early... |
Nash, Alexander
Martuova svatba Marriage of Martu refers to the mythological text originating from early second millennia BC from the ancient Middle East. The work is closely related to the so called Amorite migration from the west into the collapsing Sumerian civilisation. This phenomena was long consider... |
Moulis, David Rafael
Odkrývání monumentálního chrámu typu in antis v lokalitě Tel Moca The temple at Moza is truly unique, for the first time in the history of Israel, and thus the Kingdom of Judah, we have archaeological evidence of a temple whose style we know from the description of Solomon’s Temple in the Bible. The discovery of the tem... |
Ondříčková, Marie
Archeomuzikologie aneb výzkum nejstarší zvukové či hudební produkce The article speaks about research of the production sounds in the past. It focuses on methods how to acquire relevant information and their aplication at the field of archaeology. Some experts dealing with the topic work with mainly material and written resources, icon... |
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