Title: Castle building techniques in the Teutonic Order’s State in Prussia based on examples of selected convent houses in the Chełmno Land, in the light of recent studies
Other Titles: Stavební techniky hradů v řádovém státu německých rytířů v Prusku založené na příkladech vybraných řádových domů v oblasti „ziemia chełmińska“ (historický region okolo města Chełmno)
Authors: Wasik, Bogusz
Wiewióra, Marcin
Citation: Castellologica bohemica 15. 2015, č. 15, s. 74-93.
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Document type: article
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/50311
ISBN: 978-80-261-0571-8
ISSN: 1211-6831
Keywords: „ziemia chełmińska“;Polsko;Německý řád;architektura;stavební technika;hrady;křížové výpravy;středověká archeologie
Keywords in different language: Chełmno Land;Poland;Teutonic Order;architecture;building technic;castles;crusades;medieval archaeology
Abstract in different language: The construction of fortifications by the Teutonic Order belongs to one of the most fascinating architectural and artistic phenomena, completed between the 2nd half of the 13th century and the 1st half of the 15th century. Brick castles were erected within widely planned and well-prepared building actions, with the result of which, several dozens of fortified structures across the historical Teutonic Order’s State were erected. However, a number of problems concerning in particular the chronology of this process of castle building, the building stages and techniques applied, have been insufficiently recognized since the beginning of the 21st century. The situation has changed significantly at present, when some Polish centers started systematic archaeological-architectural research focusing on the fortified structures of the Teutonic Order. The centre at Toruń has been accomplishing, since 2005, a long-term scientific program, titled The Castles of the Chełmno Land (Kulmerland), whose principal purpose is to answer those questions connected with the history of those brick fortresses erected from the 2nd half of the 13th century in the south-western part of the former Teutonic Order’s State. The results of recent archaeological- -architectural explorations in several sites from this area have delivered much data, which show that castles built in various period differed not only in their architectural forms, but also with building technique and its process. In the light of recent studies, it is difficult to agree, for instance with interpretations of the chronology of changing castle form (from irregular to regular ones) and the times of their occurrence.
Rights: © Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Appears in Collections:Ročník 15 (2015)
Ročník 15 (2015)

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