Název: LQR Control of Input LC filter of a Tram with On-board Energy Storage System
Autoři: Talla, Jakub
Streit, Luboš
Janouš, Štěpán
Suchý, Ondřej
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: TALLA, J. STREIT, L. JANOUŠ, Š. SUCHÝ, O. LQR Control of Input LC filter of a Tram with On-board Energy Storage System. In International Conference on Applied Electronics (AE 2022) : /proceedings/. Pilsen: University of West Bohemia, 2022. s. 171-174. ISBN: 978-1-66549-481-6 , ISSN: 1803-7232
Datum vydání: 2022
Nakladatel: IEEE
Typ dokumentu: konferenční příspěvek
URI: 2-s2.0-85140885363
ISBN: 978-1-66549-481-6
ISSN: 1803-7232
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: LQR control;LC filter;tram;energy storage system
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: The main traction power converter of a trams is connected to DC trolley wire by input LC filter. The tram input LC filter is almost undamped resonant circuit, which is often loaded by the motor constant torque command. Sources of the input LC filter oscillation may be present on the vehicle, typically drive control influence. The source of LC filter excitation except the tram drive could be the tram’s trolley voltage caused by fluctuations in power consumption and harmonics from surrounding vehicles, and temporary loss of catenary voltage caused by crossings of insulated sections or icing on catenary. The next source could be the tram ESS, which is connected in parallel to the tram dc-link capacitor. The dynamic ESS control, which is necessary for majority of power management techniques, can also destabilize the LC filter. On the other hand, the proper ESS control could be used for LC-filter stabilization. The LQR based stabilization of LC filter using ESS is presented in this paper.
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