Název: A miniaturized radiation monitor for continuous dosimetry and particle identification in space
Autoři: Gohl, Stefan
Malich, Milan
Bergmann, Benedikt
Burian, Petr
Granja, Carlos
Heijne, Erik H.
Holík, Michael
Jacubek, Jan
Janeček, Josef
Marek, Lukáš
Oancea, Cristina
Petro, Maros
Pospíšil, Stanislav
Smetana, Adam
Soukup, Pavel
Tureček, Daniel
Vuolo, Marco
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: GOHL, S. MALICH, M. BERGMANN, B. BURIAN, P. GRANJA, C. HEIJNE, EH. HOLÍK, M. JACUBEK, J. JANEČEK, J. MAREK, L. OANCEA, C. PETRO, M. POSPÍŠIL, S. SMETANA, A. SOUKUP, P. TUREČEK, D. VUOLO, M. A miniaturized radiation monitor for continuous dosimetry and particle identification in space . Journal of Instrumentation, 2022, roč. 17, č. 1, s. nestránkováno. ISSN: 1748-0221
Datum vydání: 2022
Nakladatel: IOP Publishing
Typ dokumentu: článek
URI: 2-s2.0-85125544438
ISSN: 1748-0221
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: d E/d x detectors;on-board space electronics;particle tracking detectors;radiation monitoring
Abstrakt: A Miniaturized Radiation Monitor (MIRAM) has been developed for the continuous measurement of the radiation field composition and ionizing dose rates in near earth orbits. Compared to currently used radiation monitors, the presented device has an order of magnitude lower weight while being comparable in power consumption and functionality. MIRAM is capable of on-board real-time self-diagnostic. Furthermore, it supports on-board analysis of the measured data to be able to work autonomously. The dose rate is calculated continuously based on the energy deposition in the Timepix3 detector. For the estimation of the particle species composition of the radiation environment, two methods are applied depending on the current flux. At lower fluxes (<104 particles per cm2 per s), a track-by-track analysis based on temporal coincidence is applied. At higher fluxes, a less power and memory consuming method is utilized. This method is using the averaged deposited energy per pixel to estimate the electron and proton content of the radiation field.
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: A Miniaturized Radiation Monitor (MIRAM) has been developed for the continuous measurement of the radiation field composition and ionizing dose rates in near earth orbits. Compared to currently used radiation monitors, the presented device has an order of magnitude lower weight while being comparable in power consumption and functionality. MIRAM is capable of on-board real-time self-diagnostic. Furthermore, it supports on-board analysis of the measured data to be able to work autonomously. The dose rate is calculated continuously based on the energy deposition in the Timepix3 detector. For the estimation of the particle species composition of the radiation environment, two methods are applied depending on the current flux. At lower fluxes (<104 particles per cm2 per s), a track-by-track analysis based on temporal coincidence is applied. At higher fluxes, a less power and memory consuming method is utilized. This method is using the averaged deposited energy per pixel to estimate the electron and proton content of the radiation field.
Práva: Plný text není přístupný.
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