Název: What do you expect from your country? From the Sumerian King List to the Last Words of Assyrian Governors, before the End
Autoři: Masetti-Rouault, Maria Grazia
Calini, Illaria
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: CHARVÁT, Petr, PECHA, Lukáš a ŠAŠKOVÁ, Kateřina. Le château de mon père – My home my castle: Sécurité de vie, de propriété et de l’état en Mésopotamie ancienne – Safety of life, property and the state in ancient Mesopotamia. Deuxième colloque franco-tchèque. 1. vyd. Plzeň: University of West Bohemia, 2023, s. 83-99.
Datum vydání: 2023
Typ dokumentu: kapitola v knize
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/55031
ISBN: 978-80-261-1167-2
Klíčová slova: Mezopotámie;Sumerský seznam králů;Atrachasís;Enúma eliš;kralování;mytologie;povodeň;krize;kolaps
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: Mesopotamia;Sumerian King List;Atrahasis;Atrachasís;kingship;mythology;flood;crisis;collapse
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: The idea of crisis and apocalypses, represented both as catastrophic climatic events and as social and political upheavals, do generate the collapse of every feeling of security, in all times. Since the beginning of the second millennium, Mesopotamian culture has found in the assertion of the eternal continuity of kingship a way to reassure and to convince all the members of the society - at least the urban elites, but possibly a larger audience - to trust the state and its structures. People had to believe that kingship alone could establish a permanent relationship with the gods and other forces present in the world, the final condition to obtain all was need to survive and to get security and happiness: Atrahasis' deal with Enlil after the Flood is, in our perspective, one of the turning point of the Bronze Age. However, quite soon, other literary texts show the dissatisfaction of people facing death, war, illness and social disruption, even if the deal was there. The composition of Enuma Elish was undoubtedly an effort to tell a new story of the world and of men without Floods, under the firm control of the new king of the gods, a new cosmic kingship assuring the perfect balance of history. Iron Age II literature reveals the weakness of this model. Even if the creation of the last empires seems to document the installation of a period of security, prosperity and happiness for everyone accepting to be integrated into them, the final collapse of kingship, state, and all the structures promising security was near - and people knew that. That world, suddenly emptied, appears quickly under our eyes.
Práva: © Authors, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Le château de mon père – My home my castle: Sécurité de vie, de propriété et de l’état en Mésopotamie ancienne – Safety of life, property and the state in ancient Mesopotamia. Deuxième colloque franco-tchèque
Le château de mon père – My home my castle: Sécurité de vie, de propriété et de l’état en Mésopotamie ancienne – Safety of life, property and the state in ancient Mesopotamia. Deuxième colloque franco-tchèque

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